August 2011 archive

Conservative solipsistic morality

Teavangelicals: in capitalism and free markets they trust

By , Monday 15 August 2011 12.21 BST Charles Finney, the great 19th-century revivalist and evangelical, would have had a hard time preaching a revival in America today.…  [more]

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A confused mélange

Fetishizing nationalism

By Hussein Ibish, August 16, 2011 For those in the grip of its authority, a clearheaded understanding of how nationalist ideology actually operates seems extremely difficult. All contemporary nationalisms are based on constructed and imagined narratives…  [more]

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Tipping point

Norway’s terror, the world’s problem

By Gerald Caplan, Saturday, August 13, 2011 12:32PM EDT There are several things we must grasp if we’re ever going to understand what motivated Anders Breivik’s murderous rampage in Norway. As is well known…  [more]

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Gone with the wind

Everyone began rasping like zombies in my Bikram yoga class

By Harriet Walker, Sunday, 14 August 2011 I might as well tell you, seeing as I’ve bragged about it to everyone else, that I’ve taken up Bikram yoga. It’s…  [more]

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On the eve of a decade later

Jesus, Bombs and Ice Cream

By , 8/13/11 12:04 PM ET I was in Baghdad in March 2003, where I lived as a Christian and as a peacemaker during the “shock-and-awe” bombing. I spent time with families,…  [more]

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Grounded glory

Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace

By , 8/13/11 08:03 AM ET I do not know how many Christians have read the Quran. And I do not know how many Muslims have read the…  [more]

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A larger vision

Matthew 15:21-28: Teaching Jesus

By , 8/9/11 11:25 PM ET This story in Matthew 15 is very troubling. A Canaanite woman cries out to Jesus to heal her daughter. By the end of the story, her…  [more]

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