Category: America

To an Israeli friend

 I like Barak more for what his election would say to the world and about us as Americans, than for his positions or his personality.  I think Arun Ghandi stated something similar.  I have seen Mrs. Bill Clinton (really, that’s her only credential, isn’t it?) operate for many years, and am unimpressed.  The victimized female …

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Advice for Adi

 Adi wrote: I don’t have anything against you sending positive things about “Arab,Moslem,Palestine”. I definitely ask you not to send me any letter or article with diatribes on Israel,Israelis,Zionists,Israeli Army,Israeli Police,Security checking etc etc. +++ There are some here in the South who still refer to our American civil war as the War of Northern …

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Why your foreign policy scares me

 Gov. Huckabee, Apparently, you said something about Iranians facing the gates of Hell during your debate last night.  I know you were being picked on last night, but when you fall into the trap of feeling like you have to emote the same neocon bravado as the establishment candidates, it reminds me that your foreign policy …

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Charley Reese and the rabbi

 You have confirmed an unfortunate suspicion. Your postscript reflects the same reaction, albeit belated, that the rabbi expressed in his letter.  I read Reese in a completely different light — he is simply suggesting that it is not in America’s best interests to support Israel and the oil-rich (or geographically strategic) despots in the region.  …

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Just in

  Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 11:16 AM Subject: Alienation of Iran’s intellectuals I am constantly impressed by the fact that an overwhelming majority of academics and other intellectuals of Iranian origin currently residing outside of Iran are in agreement that the Bush administration’s actions and policies in dealing with Iran are tragically misguided and …

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What if Barak Obama were a Muslim?

 Apologies all, for plagiarizing some of your earlier thoughts (ie, who would Jesus waterboard?), but I could not let last Sunday’s profoundly ignorant editorial re. Barak Obama go unchallenged.  I just sent in a lengthy response (below and partly cannibalized from earlier posts) and we’ll see if this one gets printed…  Here’s the letter that …

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Virginia Cobb: an approach to witness

 In advance of the Teheran Conference of June 1969, fellow missionaries in Lebanon asked Missionary Virginia Cobb to prepare their position paper on missionary methods for work among Muslims. (See The Commission, November 1969, for a conference report and related stories.) Detained in Beirut, Lebanon, by illness, Miss Cobb did not reach Teheran in time …

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