The following letter to the editor, titled “Crooked stuff”, appeared in the Sunday, October 23, 2017 edition of the Sentinel Record. It’s typical codswallop from exalted sister Mary Robinson (bless her heart), so no further introduction is necessary. The photographs that follow represent about a minute of Google searching…
— Monsieur d’Nalgar, Lundi 23 octobre 2017
Dear editor:
When someone is lying and doing a bunch of crooked stuff and you know they’re lying and doing a bunch of crooked stuff and you’re OK with them lying and doing a bunch of crooked stuff, well, don’t expect a great outcome.
Hillary — maybe that’s “what happened.” Why didn’t the NFL players go to the White House while the first black POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama, was there for eight years? Could it be they knew he was too stuck up to go to those lesser than himself? Could it be they’re too stuck up also?
God never fails!
Hey to my friends!
God bless America. America, bless and stand up for God!
Mary Robinson
Hot Springs
The only question is whether she is the meanest person in the city or the stupidest. My guess is both.