Category: America

Its own time and place

What Does The Book Of Revelation Really Mean? By Greg Carey, 01/ 2/12 01:25 AM ET … This is the first installment of a three-part series. We’ve survived Harold Camping. We survived Y2K, albeit with less distress than our ancestors survived Y1K. The world has survived end-time predictors as diverse as Billy Graham, William Miller …

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Death via live broadcast

On third anniversary of Gaza war, we will remember By Amira Hass, 03:53 02.01.12 … On the third anniversary of the Cast Lead onslaught, we remember the anonymous soldiers who fired on a red car, in which a father, Mohammed Shurrab, and his two sons were returning home from their farm lands. It is not …

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Monsieur d’Nalgar’s note: The title of this post is taken from the last line of Stéphane Hessel’s Indignez vous! TO CREATE IS TO RESIST; TO RESIST IS TO CREATE. The little red book that swept France By John Lichfield, Monday 03 January 2011 … Take a book of just 13 pages, written by a relatively …

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France’s shamefully forgotten allies By Robert Fisk, Saturday 31 December 2011 … It took Indigènes to remind the French that they owed their liberation not only to De Gaulle’s largely white Free French troops but also to 134,000 Algerian soldiers, 73,000 Moroccans, 26,000 Tunisians and 92,000 “others” from Sub-Saharan Africa. Indigènes means “natives” but the …

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Protect the system of domination

Bonfire of the dictators By Robert Fisk, Saturday 31 December 2011 … How come they lasted so long? We are so keen to analyse the revolutions that tore the Middle East’s dictatorships apart this year that we have forgotten the record of endurance of these vicious men and their sheer, dogged, ruthless power to survive. …

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To think differently

Apple: time to make a conflict-free iPhone By Delly Mawazo Sesete, Friday 30 December 2011 15.38 EST … My name is Delly Mawazo Sesete. I am originally from the North Kivu povince in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where a deadly conflict has been raging for over 15 years. While …

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Another winter of our discontent

The Rain and the Reckoning By William Rivers Pitt, Friday 30 December 2011 … “…and soon now we shall go out of the house and go into the convulsion of the world, out of history into history and the awful responsibility of Time.” – Robert Penn Warren Dewey Square, the patch of earth in the …

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