Category: America

Egging on the Israeli equivalents

Perry’s Faith-Based Foreign Policy Directive By Justin Raimondo, September 21, 2011 … If Rick Perry makes it to the  White House, what will American foreign policy in the Middle East look  like? We got a clear indication of that, recently, when he stated: “As a Christian I have  a clear directive to support Israel, from …

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Orthodox Jewish cheerleaders

Texas Governor Rick Perry: Like a Likudnik By Chemi Shalev, 23:25 20.09.11 … Except for the fact that the proceedings were held in English, an Israeli attending Texas Governor Rick Perry’s “press conference” at the W Hotel in midtown Manhattan Tuesday morning might be excused for imagining that he was in the middle of a …

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What he must do

The humiliation of Barack Obama By Robert Grenier, 20 Sep 2011 10:40 … Sooner or later, it’s going to happen. Most likely, the moment will come just before his first head-of-state meeting in New York. Or perhaps it will happen just before his first side-bar meeting with Binyamin Netanyahu. Or then again, it may come …

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Failures to stand up

Why the Middle East will never be the same again By Robert Fisk, Tuesday, 20 September 2011 … The Palestinians won’t get a state this week. But they will prove – if they get enough votes in the General Assembly and if Mahmoud Abbas does not succumb to his characteristic grovelling in the face of …

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We became terrorists too

A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe By  Chris Hedges, September 11, 2001 … I arrived in Times Square around 9:30 on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. A large crowd was transfixed by the huge Jumbotron screens. Billows of smoke could be seen on the screens above us, pouring out of the …

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Spooky action at a distance

The Solace of Preparing Fried Foods and Other Quaint Remembrances from 1960s Mississippi: Thoughts on The Help By Roxane Gay, August 17th, 2011 … When my brothers and I have a particularly frustrating day rife with racial insensitivity, we’ll call and say, “Today is a Rosewood day.” Nothing more needs to be said. Rosewood, is …

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The party of stupid

Egghead and Blockheads By Maureen Dowd, September 18, 2011 … THERE are two American archetypes that were sometimes played against each other in old Westerns. The egghead Eastern lawyer who lacks the skills or stomach for a gunfight is contrasted with the tough Western rancher and ace shot who has no patience for book learnin’. …

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