Category: America

Flag of false allegiance

Worshipping the Irrational Jesus By Mark Osler, 06/ 8/11 11:42 AM ET … I recently heard a radio preacher explain how it was OK to be rich — that, in fact, it was a mark of being blessed by God. It was a rational argument. It is just common sense, after all: If God likes …

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Henry, why do you think?

The cynicism of Israeli settlement policy By Ray Close, Tue 6/7/2011 In case anyone has any doubts about the cynical motivation that has often inspired the Israeli Government’s practice of unofficially encouraging the establishment of settlements in occupied territory as a calculated instrument of territorial expansion: You’ll be interested in this anecdote, I think.  Coincidentally, four of the …

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Extreme recycle

And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. – Isaiah 2:4 (King James Version) Khalil Rabah, from “BIPRODUCT,” 2010. or or

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Southern weed rewind

The following comments, now updated a bit, were first submitted by email at the end of April.  They were promptly lost (raptured into the ether?) and I was asked to resubmit or write about something else.  But before I could decide, President Obama gleefully served up the pandering Donald’s pampered posterior on a platter at the …

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Volatile, the pitiable zeks?

The photograph below was in newspapers around the world yesterday, part of an AP article titled “Pace of Afghanistan withdrawal undecided” by Lolita C. Baldor and Pauline Jelinek. In our local paper, the Sentinel-Record, the caption under the photograph reads “QUESTIONS: Food supplies for US Marines hanging off small parachutes are dropped from a plane Thursday outside Forward Operating …

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Murillo’s Memorial Day

Manuel Zelaya’s courageous homecoming By Amy Goodman, Wednesday 1 June 2011 14.34 BST … While most in the United States were recognising Memorial Day with a three-day weekend, the people of Honduras were engaged in a historic event: the return of President Manuel Zelaya, 23 months after being forced into exile at gunpoint in the …

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So Glenn Beck Thinks He’s A Prophet Now? By Andy Newbold, June 02, 2011 3:17 pm ET … Today, Mediaite reported that the last episode of Glenn Beck’s daily Fox News show will air on June 30. That news may just have driven Beck over the edge. On his radio show today, Beck told his …

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