Mitt Romney, Outsourced By Charles P. Pierce, June 22 2012 at 10:46AM This vast new Washington Post report about how Willard Romney and his money-chewing friends got really wealthy by investing in companies dedicated to shipping American jobs overseas is yet one more reason why the Obama campaign really shouldn’t have slacked off from …
Category: America
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Jun 24 2012
Completely unappeasable
What the Gobshites Are Saying: Fast & Spurious Edition By Charles P. Pierce, June 20 2012 at 1:35PM [tube][/tube] Well, we seem to have a real rage-gasm on our hands now. The president has gone and said the conjuring words, “executive privilege,” thereby presuming to do something once that the previous president did …
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Jun 22 2012
By Monsieur d’Nalgar, June 22, 2012 CE “Ludicrous” — an online dictionary defines it as something laughable, ridiculous, idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny. Examples abound… +++ Ludicrous is men telling women what they can and cannot do or say, especially when it comes to their own bodies, that most intimate of …
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Jun 22 2012
They have thoughts of their own
‘Silence is a lovely idea’ – so why have churches become so noisy? By Mark Vernon, Friday 22 June 2012 06.03 EDT Silence is like forgiveness. Many would say it’s a lovely idea, until they have to do it (to borrow a line from CS Lewis). Or more provocatively, could there be a cultural …
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Jun 21 2012
Chaplains of the status quo
Christians and the Kill List By William Alberts, June 19, 2012 In broad daylight, without a Christian murmur, President Obama has placed a “kill list” on the altar of “American values.” An unconstitutional, international law-violating, indifferent to innocent civilians, anti-American-breeding “kill list.” A national security advisors-created, biographical “baseball cards”-like, “PowerPoint slides-amplified “kill list,” comprised …
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Jun 21 2012
A professional Islamophobe
Oh, look at that: National Review publishes racist nut By Alex Pareene, Tuesday, Jun 19, 2012 03:18 PM CDT Remember how we were all so proud of the National Review for eventually firing or cutting ties with most of the outright white supremacists who occasionally or regularly wrote for that fine publication? Well, there …
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Jun 21 2012
Such a stench
Monster Mosques and Muslim Madness By Nathan Lean, 06/19/2012 11:49 am At 41,000 square feet, the recently completed Old Apostolic Lutheran worship center in Woodland, Wash., surely classifies as a “mega church.” The two-story edifice includes two lobbies, a large sanctuary, two multipurpose rooms, an extensive nursery, a massive dining hall, and lower level …
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