Category: America

Among informed and honest observers

Should we call it apartheid? By Omar Baddar, June 11, 2012 … Among informed and honest observers, there is no dispute that Israel is imposing a separate and grossly unequal system of ethnic discrimination on the Palestinians, most blatantly in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). Setting aside the complex system of discrimination within Israel itself, …

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Terror Tuesday

Praying at the Church of St. Drone By Tom Engelhardt, 7:51am, June  5, 2012 … Be assured of one thing: whichever candidate you choose at the polls  in November, you aren’t just electing a president of the United States;  you are also electing an assassin-in-chief.  The last two presidents may  not have been emperors or …

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And the beat goes on

By Monsieur d’Nalgar, Friday June 8, 2012 … This rant emanates from a Facebook conversation today that followed Maha’s lament. Maha is a Palestinian woman who is frustrated with her Israeli friend. Seems that this friend is blind to historical realities of indigenous villages and peoples systematically erased from the ancient landscape by a new …

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Good luck getting into Israel

‘Do you feel more Arab or more American?’: Two women’s story of being detained and interrogated at Ben Gurion By Najwa Doughman and Sasha Al-Sarabi, June 2, 2012 … I am an American citizen. I went to American schools my entire life, graduated from an American university and work as an architect in New York City. …

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Look for a more rational basis for peace

Mythologizing Evolution By Karl Giberson, Ph.D, 05/31/2012 12:09 pm … A prominent new atheist blogger has just completed a week-long series paying homage to the great journalist H. L. Mencken, best known for his coverage of the 1925 Scopes Trial. The series represents ongoing efforts to enhance the mythology of evolution, efforts that have been …

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Cleaving society

The Islamophobia Industry Strikes in Kansas By Nathan Lean, 06/01/2012  3:21 pm … Just like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Republican Governor Sam Brownback had a feeling he was not in Kansas anymore. At least not the Kansas that he once knew. His Sunflower State was teeming with unfamiliar creatures and though not tin-men …

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Christians of comfort like myself

A Snake-handler’s Lethal Embrace of Religious Ecstasy By Jack Levison, 06/01/2012  2:12 pm … I was driving into downtown Seattle when I heard the news of Randy “Mack” Wolford’s death on National Public Radio, in a British accent no less. Randy, a snake-handler in West Virginia, had died — bitten by a snake and poisoned. …

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