Category: America

Whether we like it or not

Did Jesus Exist? By Bart D. Ehrman, 03/20/2012  7:25 am … In a society in which people still claim the Holocaust did not happen, and in which there are resounding claims that the American president is, in fact, a Muslim born on foreign soil, is it any surprise to learn that the greatest figure in …

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Glittery geegaws of the plausible

Mike Daisey’s betrayal of This American Life’s truth – and my trust By Bob Garfield, Friday 16 March 2012 21.10 EDT … There are lies and there are lies and there are lies. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Big Lie. “OMG, your [homely] baby is beautiful!”: small social lie. And then, there is …

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A crucial part of their faith

Wearing a Cross to Work Announced by Archdruid Eileen, Tuesday, 13 March 2012 … I was musing on the great Wearing A Cross to Work controversy, if it could be called that. Overall I’m not convinced there is much persecution of Christians, in any real sense, in this country. But clearly there will – normally …

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Very good work

Massacres are the inevitable result of foreign occupation By Seumas Milne, Tuesday 13 March 2012 18.20 EDT … It was an “isolated incident”, US officials insisted. The murder of 16 Afghan civilians as they slept, Hillary Clinton declared, was the “inexplicable act” of one soldier. And as Barack Obama and David Cameron prepared to put …

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Smug fecundity

Romney, Santorum and archaic ideas on fertility By  Lisa Miller, March 2, 2012 … Between them, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have as many children — 12 — as there were tribes of Israel. Ron Paul has five of his own, and in an early debate, perhaps unwilling to be outdone by Michele Bachmann’s fostering …

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Ghetto mentality

Auschwitz complex By M.S., Mar 6th 2012, 19:04 … During his meeting with Barack Obama on Monday, Bibi Netanyahu said Israel “must have the ability always to defend itself, by itself, against any threat.” “I believe that’s why you appreciate, Mr. President,  that Israel must reserve the right to defend itself,” Netanyahu said. “After all, …

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The power of quiet contempt

The heroic myth and the uncomfortable truth of war reporting By Robert Fisk, Saturday 03 March 2012 … It took a lot of courage to get into Homs; Sky News, then the BBC, then a few brave men and women who went to tell the world of the city’s anguish and, in at least two …

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