Category: Christianity

Børre demands an explanation

 Europeans, and perhaps most Americans along the two coasts, have been more or less secular for so long that they probably can’t understand the depth or political clout of the religious mythology surrounding Israel.  It has completely trumped rational thought.  It is bad theology and it’s definitely bad foreign policy, but this bizarre love affair …

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A frenzy of flummery

 Dear editor, There is a frenzy of flummery about Islam in this newspaper, on radio and television, and even from pulpits across America.  I suspect most of it comes from people who never actually met a Muslim.  We Americans used to be a people who challenged ignorance and prejudice, but perhaps that noble sentiment died …

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 Thanks.  Very interesting.  Finally, a few Americans are starting to get a clue how dangerously wacky this premillennial stuff is.  Kinda funny when it’s a bunch of hillbillies playing with snakes.  Not so funny when it dictates foreign policy and kills hundreds of thousands and dispossesses millions more. Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 2:37 PM …

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 Some first impressions about — it seems to be a right-wing(ish?) Jewish version of the Drudge Report.  Not surprising — I’ve been reading Haaretz for nearly 10 years and have observed that the entire country, as well as our own, is drifting in that direction.  That, or I’m in a free-fall towards the left fringe of …

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Glenn Beck is a Nazi

 Glenn Beck is a Nazi.  That he is allowed to spew his hateful venom on CNN shows you how much the news industry has prostituted itself to corporate interests.  Whether or not you wish to equate corporate interests with Jewish cabals and Zionist agendas is up to you.  I will not ask whether you are …

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Open letter to Mike Huckabee

 I saw you on TV a few weeks ago (June 20 on MSNBC) when Joe Scarborough asked you what books you are reading. While it was refreshing to hear that you are reading, unlike the current president, I was very disappointed when you mentioned “Beyond Iraq” by Mike Evans. An excerpt from Publishers Weekly says …

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Matthew 24

 Mr. Turner was interesting, but he disappointed me with his “spin” on Matthew 24.  Seems like the gist of his message was that, when he’s really challenged by alternate/competing philosophies or moments of doubt, he rests his faith in the prophecies of the Bible.  Funny how Jesus could be clearly explaining things that would come …

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