Category: Christianity

And there they found God

The Bethlehem story takes us deeper into what it means to be human By Giles Fraser, Friday 20 December 2013 14.30 EST   It is not the present that they expected. Nothing close. They wanted the sort of God who would drive out the Romans. They wanted the sort of God that would set them in positions …

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The Last Strumpet

Doomsday theory 2014: Obama as the anti-Christ By Jordan Yerman, Dec 2nd, 2013   [tube][/tube] How the world will end: Not with a bang, but with a soundtrack 2012 came and went with no apocalypse. No economic implosion (we got that one a few years earlier). No Rogue Planet Nibiru. Those who were so …

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Heading into nut country

Tea party has roots in the Dallas of 1963 By Bill Minutaglio, November 21   The president is a socialist. He is neutering the United States on the world stage. He is spending us into bankruptcy. He is hellbent on expanding national health care, which will surely lead to government death panels. He is advancing big-government …

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On the wilder shores of American Christianity

George W Bush’s new ‘crusade’: converting Jews to Christianity By Andrew Brown, November 14, 2013   Some people think George W Bush did as much as he could to bring about Armageddon with his earlier interventions in the Middle East. But not the man himself, apparently. He has signed up for a fundraising event for …

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This is a good start?

  Really?!  A friend of mine wrote me early this morning, clearly angry about some outrageous Facebook flummery she had just been exposed to.  Here’s how she started: So explain to me HOW the same birther folks can justify Ted Cruz being even considered for the Presidency?   Don’t know if you looked at the “poll” on Tea  …

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Listen to America

  Dear editor: Listen to America. Stop ObamaCare at all cost. Impeach Obama, get him out of there. He is destroying America. I don’t see why you people can’t see we don’t want a dictator. Is he the anti-Christ? We won’t vote for you if you don’t listen. Listen to America. Brenda Andersen Hot Springs …

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Apathy is a rational reaction

Russell Brand on revolution:  “We no longer have the luxury of tradition” By Russell Brand, 24 October 2013 9:58   When I was asked to edit an issue of the New Statesman I said yes because it was a beautiful woman asking me. I chose the subject of revolution because the New Statesman is a political …

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