Category: Christianity

To be great is to be misunderstood

The Apostle Paul Was Not a Misogynist Homophobe By Aaron Taylor, 06/12/2012  7:00 am … Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be great is to be misunderstood.” If Emerson was right, then the Apostle Paul might be one of the greatest men to ever live. Few religious leaders have been as grossly misunderstood as Paul. Unlike …

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Terror Tuesday

Praying at the Church of St. Drone By Tom Engelhardt, 7:51am, June  5, 2012 … Be assured of one thing: whichever candidate you choose at the polls  in November, you aren’t just electing a president of the United States;  you are also electing an assassin-in-chief.  The last two presidents may  not have been emperors or …

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The human propensity to follow

The Milgram Experiment in Syria By Robin Yassin-Kassab, June 10, 2012 … It has thrown students out of top-floor windows. It has shelled cities from the land and from the air. It has raped women and men and tortured children to death. Now with the massacres at Howleh and Qubair – in which Alawis from …

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Claims of a frontier battle

Far-right Europeans and Israelis: this toxic alliance spells trouble By Rachel Shabi, Wednesday 6 June 2012 12.15 EDT … Last month, demonstrations against African refugees in Tel Aviv turned violent. Protesters looted shops, broke windows and firebombed buildings, including a nursery. Days ago, arsonists torched the home of 10 African migrants in Jerusalem, injuring four, …

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And the beat goes on

By Monsieur d’Nalgar, Friday June 8, 2012 … This rant emanates from a Facebook conversation today that followed Maha’s lament. Maha is a Palestinian woman who is frustrated with her Israeli friend. Seems that this friend is blind to historical realities of indigenous villages and peoples systematically erased from the ancient landscape by a new …

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Look for a more rational basis for peace

Mythologizing Evolution By Karl Giberson, Ph.D, 05/31/2012 12:09 pm … A prominent new atheist blogger has just completed a week-long series paying homage to the great journalist H. L. Mencken, best known for his coverage of the 1925 Scopes Trial. The series represents ongoing efforts to enhance the mythology of evolution, efforts that have been …

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Cleaving society

The Islamophobia Industry Strikes in Kansas By Nathan Lean, 06/01/2012  3:21 pm … Just like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Republican Governor Sam Brownback had a feeling he was not in Kansas anymore. At least not the Kansas that he once knew. His Sunflower State was teeming with unfamiliar creatures and though not tin-men …

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