Category: Christianity

The apocalyptic world dictator will do it!

The following flummery appeared in today’s Sentinel Record, under the title “Obama’s re-election inevitable.”  I am wholeheartedly NOT endorsing it, but am merely sharing it here as an oddity of Americana, a curiosity that others may read and marvel at what passes for erudite political discourse in the nation’s hinterland.  Most of Mr. Cunningham’s rant is a tired rehash …

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Ten times the spirituality

Branson Cross: World’s Largest Cross Gets Go-Ahead From Missouri Officials Posted: 05/11/2012  4:21 pm, updated: 05/11/2012  5:53 pm … The “God-given vision” started out simply enough: build a 7-foot-tall cross on a mountain and invite people to meditate there with the Creator. Now, 20 years later, the cross will cost $5 million and rise nearly …

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Dystopian drug-­addled nightmare state

The Book of Mitt By Alex Pareene, Sunday, May  6, 2012 08:00 AM CDT … “The precipitous mountain pass that led the [Mormon] pioneers down into the Salt Lake Valley and still is the route of access from the east on Interstate 80, was first explored by my great-grandfather, Parley P. Pratt,” Mitt Romney cheerfully …

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While the fields go fallow

Palestinian Christians Against the Occupation By Philip Farah, 05/ 1/2012  6:29 am … In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren claimed that Christians in Israel are better off than their brethren anywhere else in the Middle East. Two Sundays ago, “60 Minutes” made clear he attempted to intimidate Bob …

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More devoted to ‘order’ than to justice

Justice requires action to stop subjugation of Palestinians By Desmond Tutu, Apr 30, 2012 05:41 PM … A quarter-century ago I barnstormed around the United States encouraging Americans, particularly students, to press for divestment from South Africa. Today, regrettably, the time has come for similar action to force an end to Israel’s long-standing occupation of …

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Disgusted and amazed

Osama Bin Laden anniversary: Torture apologists try again to justify the unjustifiable By Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, 12:23 PM ET, 04/30/2012 … Torture apologists are at it again, attempting to justify the unjustifiable. One year ago, former Bush administration officials like Vice President Dick Cheney, said torture (by the euphemism “enhanced interrogation”) produced “some of the …

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Catholic Church’s best ambassador

After Vatican’s rebuke of nuns, time to hear Mary’s voice By Lisa Miller, April 26, 2012 … Imagine the fury of the men of Galilee when a young, unmarried girl showed up in their village pregnant. They must have talked about punishments. Stoning — a legitimate penalty, condoned by Deuteronomy — would have been appropriate, although …

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