Category: Christianity

They attach epic importance to their work

Christians Called To Serve Jewish Settlers By Nathan Jeffay, March 25, 2012 … Psagot, West Bank — It is a typical, even  stereotypical, West Bank settlement scene: bearded young men pruning vines while  enthusing about the Chosen People’s God-given right to this region. But in this  case it is Jesus, and not Jewish identity, that …

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God gave us barley

What Would Jesus Brew? Lots, beer makers say By Amanda Greene, March 23 … All this talk of beer was making the former seminarian thirsty. “Cheers,” said assistant brewer Christopher McGarvey, taking a sip from his pint of golden ale. Then he continued his lecture on the history of beer in ancient Samaria to a crowd …

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Vicious and exclusionary rhetoric

The War On Religion Does Not Exist By Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, 03/23/2012  6:40 pm … Apparently, attempts are underway to open a new front in the supposed “war on religion” in my home state of Louisiana as it takes center stage in the presidential primary season. Truth be told, from what I have …

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Whether we like it or not

Did Jesus Exist? By Bart D. Ehrman, 03/20/2012  7:25 am … In a society in which people still claim the Holocaust did not happen, and in which there are resounding claims that the American president is, in fact, a Muslim born on foreign soil, is it any surprise to learn that the greatest figure in …

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A crucial part of their faith

Wearing a Cross to Work Announced by Archdruid Eileen, Tuesday, 13 March 2012 … I was musing on the great Wearing A Cross to Work controversy, if it could be called that. Overall I’m not convinced there is much persecution of Christians, in any real sense, in this country. But clearly there will – normally …

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Smug fecundity

Romney, Santorum and archaic ideas on fertility By  Lisa Miller, March 2, 2012 … Between them, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum have as many children — 12 — as there were tribes of Israel. Ron Paul has five of his own, and in an early debate, perhaps unwilling to be outdone by Michele Bachmann’s fostering …

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Kind of hyperbolic

Those defending US Constitution from sharia must have failed high school civics By Reza Aslan and Harris Zafar, February 29, 2012 … There are those who would have you believe that Islamic law, or sharia, is taking over America. They seem to allege that the 1 percent of the American population that is Muslim is …

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