Category: Christianity

Something agile and wise

Freedom of religion is freedom from religion By Bill Moyers, Thursday, Feb 16, 2012 3:00 PM 18:46:13 CST … The president did something agile and wise the other day. And something quite important to the health of our politics. He reached up and snuffed out what some folks wanted to make into a cosmic battle …

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Bark the loudest

Santorum mangles the Founding Fathers By Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg, Tuesday, Feb 14, 2012 2:45 PM 20:36:56 CST … Each time presidential candidate Rick Santorum rears his righteous head, it is to exploit a social issue that is of no import in a national election.  But he knows that the way to keep the …

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My heart is still young

Letters raise fears for last Briton in Guantanamo By Paul Calahan, Monday 13 February 2012 … On the day he marks 10 years locked inside the world’s most notorious prison without having been charged with an offence, the last UK resident in Guantanamo Bay pleads with his captors: “Please torture me in the old way …

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Yes, we do indeed have enough

Committees Announced by Burton Dasset, Monday, 13 February 2012 … It was Eileen who asked me to carry out an audit on the governance of the Beaker Folk. “Burton,” she said, “don’t we have a few too many committees? Naturally I rushed off to draw a diagram. And I have listed below the current Beaker …

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Something luminous and divine

Jesus, the Dead Dog and Recognizing the Presence of God Everywhere By Omid Safi, 02/10/2012  9:31 am … There are many tales about the life of Christ that circulated orally in the ancient Near East and never made it to the canonical Gospels. Some of the loveliest of these tales remained oral for centuries, and …

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Alarmist and deeply hateful

Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s War By Anthony Alessandrini, Feb 09 2012 … For a couple of centuries now, we have had to make due with Samuel Johnson’s famous phrase: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” Thanks to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, we can now revise this phrase for the twenty-first century: the last last refuge …

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The current freakout

Most of Obama’s “Controversial” Birth Control Rule Was Law During Bush Years By Nick Baumann, Wed Feb. 8, 2012 2:10 PM PST … President Barack Obama’s decision to require most employers to cover birth control and insurers to offer it at no cost has created a firestorm of controversy. But the central mandate—that most employers …

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