The Occupy movement now has its iconic image of martyrdom By Jonathan Jones, Friday 18 November 2011 09.01 EST … Every nascent political movement needs martyrs. Even the sensible British labour movement, whose history is mostly peaceful and overwhelmingly parliamentary, has its memories of the Tolpuddle Martyrs and the Peterloo massacre. Revolutionary traditions fervently venerate …
Category: Christianity
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Nov 18 2011
Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez
‘Obama the Antichrist’ and end-times doctrine By Sarah Posner, Friday 18 November 2011 14.29 EST … Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a 21 year old from Idaho Falls, Idaho was charged this week with attempting to assassinate Barack Obama by firing rifle shots at the presidential residence at the White House. The president, Ortega-Hernandez reportedly maintained, is …
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Nov 16 2011
Letting ourselves be changed
Celebrating the 1611 King James Bible By Rowan Williams, Wednesday 16 November 2011 12.33 EST … This is the text of a sermon delivered at a Thanksgiving service in Westminster Abbey for the 400th anniversary of the 1611 authorised King James translation of the Bible. What is a good translation? Not one that just allows …
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Nov 13 2011
The revolution is in progress
A new Israel in the making By Gideon Levy, 02:21 13.11.11 … One day not long from now we will wake up to a different kind of country, the country that’s now in the making. It won’t look like the country we know, which already has its share of flaws, distortions and ills. And when …
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Nov 12 2011
Script and art and religion
Will computers make extinct the last of Islam’s proud and honourable calligraphers? By Robert Fisk, Saturday 12 November 2011 … Dr Jamal Naja meets me in a coffee shop just down the road from his home in Alamuddin Street, a quiet almost mischievous face, greying hair, and he lays – with great care – a …
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Nov 11 2011
Conceptual claustrophobia
‘You just don’t understand my religion’ is not good enough By Julian Baggini, Monday 7 November 2011 07.00 EST … Terry Eagleton’s quip that reading Richard Dawkins on theology is like listening to someone “holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is The British Book of Birds” is a funny and memorable …
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Nov 05 2011
Nothing to fear
Shariah Law: The Five Things Every Non-Muslim (and Muslim) Should Know By Qasim Rashid, 11/4/11 10:15 AM ET … 1. What does Shariah mean? Shariah is the law of the Qur’an and literally means “A path to life giving water.” In fact, the word Yarrah (i.e. the root of the Hebrew word Torah) means precisely …
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