Category: Christianity


[tube][/tube] Pope, 84, opts for wheeled platform at Mass By Francis X. Rocca, Monday, October 17, 1:58 PM … VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI used a wheeled platform to move up the main aisle of St. Peter’s Basilica before Mass on Sunday (Oct. 16), in what his spokesman said was a measure to “reduce …

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Terror tactics

Catholicism has always been America’s foreign devil By Sam Haselby, Saturday 15 October 2011 09.00 EDT … At the Values Voter Summit in Washington DC last weekend, leading members of the American religious right rallied around the notion that the US is a Christian nation. One speaker, the leader of a Texas megachurch, cited the …

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Challenged and changed

Why We Must Reclaim The Bible From Fundamentalists By John Shelby Spong, 10/13/11 09:33 AM ET … The contrast between the way the Bible is understood in the academic world and the way it is viewed in our churches is striking. I know because in my life as a priest and a bishop I have …

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They go into your soul

Jerusalem can do strange things to your sanity By Robert Fisk, Saturday, 8 October 2011 … So there was this chap, a bearded guy, spectacles, a settler, asking for a lift from Hebron to Kiryat Arba. And Kiryat Arba is quite a settlement, home to Baruch Goldstein who killed about 50 Palestinians before he himself …

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The criteria for service

Romney’s scary Middle East advisor By As`ad AbuKhalil, Friday, Oct 7, 2011 10:00 AM 13:15:53 CDT \ … Mitt Romney has a new foreign policy adviser. His name is Walid Phares, a Lebanese -American contributor to Fox News, and rising star in Republican punditry. Phares has had three careers and all are relevant in bizarre …

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We worry

Growing up in Michele Bachmann’s world By Karl Giberson (for FrumForum), Monday 3 October 2011 12.02 EDT … Michele Bachmann and I grew up in the same evangelical world. We heard similar sermons, read similar books – most importantly the Bible – and we followed the same anointed leaders. By the time we were in …

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Flaunting is fashionable again

Rich people are being ‘demonized’ for flaunting their wealth. Poor dears! By Barbara Ehrenreich, September 30 … The latest group to claim victim status is the rich. Actually the super-rich, whose wealth ordinarily exempts them from pity. While they are not yet subjected to airport profiling (except for early boarding and club access), they sense …

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