Category: Christianity

How such rhetoric performs

Mr. Mileikowsky and the “seal of Netanyahu”: the perilous encounter between modern nationalism and ancient history By Hussein Ibish, August 17, 2011, 6:21pm … I may be trying people’s patience a little with my recent riff on nationalism in general, and particularly the Israeli and Palestinian versions, but further exchanges with some of my interlocutors, …

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Conservative solipsistic morality

Teavangelicals: in capitalism and free markets they trust By Anthea Butler, Monday 15 August 2011 12.21 BST … Charles Finney, the great 19th-century revivalist and evangelical, would have had a hard time preaching a revival in America today. Finney’s brand of evangelical fervour, called the “new measures”, emphasised saving souls and reviving worship by incorporating …

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Tipping point

Norway’s terror, the world’s problem By Gerald Caplan, Saturday, August 13, 2011 12:32PM EDT … There are several things we must grasp if we’re ever going to understand what motivated Anders Breivik’s murderous rampage in Norway. As is well known now, Mr. Breivik was a devotee of those many strident voices on the web who …

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On the eve of a decade later

Jesus, Bombs and Ice Cream By Shane Claiborne, 8/13/11 12:04 PM ET … I was in Baghdad in March 2003, where I lived as a Christian and as a peacemaker during the “shock-and-awe” bombing. I spent time with families, volunteered in hospitals and learned to sing “Amazing Grace” in Arabic. There is one image of …

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Grounded glory

Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace By John Philip Newell, 8/13/11 08:03 AM ET … I do not know how many Christians have read the Quran. And I do not know how many Muslims have read the Christian Scriptures. But I do know that until we come back into relationship, until we begin …

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A larger vision

Matthew 15:21-28: Teaching Jesus By Barbara Kay Lundblad, 8/9/11 11:25 PM ET … This story in Matthew 15 is very troubling. A Canaanite woman cries out to Jesus to heal her daughter. By the end of the story, her daughter has been healed — but between the crying and the healing, Jesus says some terrible …

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In just six days

God’s Blog By Paul Simms, August 8, 2011 … UPDATE:  Pretty pleased with what I’ve come up with in just six days. Going to take tomorrow off. Feel free to check out what I’ve done so far. Suggestions and criticism (constructive, please!) more than welcome. God out.   COMMENTS (24)   Not sure who this …

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