Category: Culture

Gimme that old time religion

Blessed are the un-cool By Rachel Held Evans, Jun 15, 2011 … People sometimes assume that because I’m a progressive 30-year-old who enjoys Mumford and Sons and has no children, I must want a super-hip church—you know, the kind that’s called “Thrive” or “Be” and which boasts “an awesome worship experience,” a  fair-trade coffee bar, …

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Devoted to death

Santa Muerte: Mexico’s Devotion To the Saint of Death By R. Andrew Chesnut, 1/7/12 08:20 AM ET … While tens of thousands of Mexicans have lost their lives in the ongoing drug war, millions more have become devoted to death. Saint Death (Santa Muerte) is a skeletal folk saint whose cult has proliferated on both …

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They are also dangerous

Republicans: we don’t need no regulation By Thomas Frank, Friday 6 January 2012 13.00 EST … Here are the two contradictory facts you must keep in your mind if you wish to understand American politics today: 1. We are entering the fifth year of a profound economic slump that was brought on, in large part, …

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Newt Gingrich is a big fat idiot

[tube][/tube] Newt Gingrich: Palestinians are an ‘invented’ people By Natasha Mozgovaya and Reuters, 01:41 10.12.11 … U.S. Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich thrust himself into controversy on Friday by declaring that the Palestinians are an “invented” people who want to destroy Israel. The former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives predictably sided with Israel …

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We do sleep soundly

The shocking truth that killing can be so casual By Robert Fisk, Saturday 07 January 2012 … More horror arrives in the mail. Clive Burrage wrote to me about his brother-in-law, Harry Leeks, pilot of an RAF Mitchell bomber in the last two years of the Second World War, based in Cologne in the first …

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I wish him to have dignity

Rebel without a state By Evgeny Lebedev, Saturday 07 January 2012 … From Jerusalem, the drive to Gaza passes tidy fields and shops selling locally-produced honey. For the final stretch, conifers line one side of the road. When they part, you catch sight of the wall that marks Gaza’s northern perimeter, its concrete sides topped …

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Among the disputes are…

Romney’s Evangelical Problem Starts With Theology By Daniel Burke, Religion News Service, 1/4/12 06:16 PM ET … The good news for Mitt Romney: he won the Iowa caucuses. The bad news for Romney: evangelicals remain reluctant to support him. Romney bested former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum by a mere eight votes in Tuesday’s (Jan. 3) …

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