Category: Culture

Shameless wealth transfer

A Tax Plan for a New Gilded Age By the New York Times Editorial Board, November 2, 2017   With their new bill that would slash taxes on the wealthy and blow up the federal budget deficit, House Republicans and President Trump are making it absolutely clear whom they are working for — the top …

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He was too stuck up

  Dear editor: When someone is lying and doing a bunch of crooked stuff and you know they’re lying and doing a bunch of crooked stuff and you’re OK with them lying and doing a bunch of crooked stuff, well, don’t expect a great outcome. Hillary — maybe that’s “what happened.” Why didn’t the NFL …

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Half-baked, spurious nationalism

Remarks by Senator John McCain at 2017 Liberty Medal ceremony October 16, 2017     “Thank you, Joe, my old, dear friend, for those mostly undeserved kind words. Vice President Biden and I have known each other for a lot of years now, more than forty, if you’re counting. We knew each other back when …

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Because a few inky wretches say so

  Dear editor, Back in the late 1960s, Simon and Garfunkel sang the question, “What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson?” In 2017, that simple question is answered week after week, as the same ilky rabble of letter writers, merry contrarians all, stain these pages with their regressive nonsense. Murderer. Killer. Socialist. Muslim. Mexican. Terrorist. There’s …

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Distinguished intellectual tradition

Let’s be honest about the Second Amendment By Matthew Walther, October 6, 2017   The Second Amendment clearly and definitively does not say what so many gun-rights absolutists in America claim it does. This is interesting when you consider conservatives’ otherwise consistent adherence to constitutional originalism. Consider, for instance, that one of the soundest, if …

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Here in Arkansas

Stifling dissent By Ernest Dumas, September 28, 2017   Whenever Donald Trump in his serial bouts with failure decides he must re-energize his base of white nationalists by doing things like demonizing black athletes who protest discrimination, the mainstream press falls for it and gives him maximum space and time. We’re addicted. Who could pass …

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Never been more proud

  Kudos for Trump’s speech   Dear editor: After President Donald Trump gave his remarkably great speech to the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “In over 30 years in my experience with the U.N., I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech.” Many well-respected conservative leaders praised that speech as being …

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