Category: Culture

We became terrorists too

A Decade After 9/11: We Are What We Loathe By  Chris Hedges, September 11, 2001 … I arrived in Times Square around 9:30 on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. A large crowd was transfixed by the huge Jumbotron screens. Billows of smoke could be seen on the screens above us, pouring out of the …

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Spooky action at a distance

The Solace of Preparing Fried Foods and Other Quaint Remembrances from 1960s Mississippi: Thoughts on The Help By Roxane Gay, August 17th, 2011 … When my brothers and I have a particularly frustrating day rife with racial insensitivity, we’ll call and say, “Today is a Rosewood day.” Nothing more needs to be said. Rosewood, is …

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The party of stupid

Egghead and Blockheads By Maureen Dowd, September 18, 2011 … THERE are two American archetypes that were sometimes played against each other in old Westerns. The egghead Eastern lawyer who lacks the skills or stomach for a gunfight is contrasted with the tough Western rancher and ace shot who has no patience for book learnin’. …

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A tragedy to watch

An American veto of Palestine statehood would be a tragedy By Henry Porter, Saturday 17 September 2011 … Beneath the slogan: “Be on our side – we are on the side of peace and justice”, a couple of nice-looking young men, a Palestinian designer and an Israeli social worker, plus their children, gaze out of …

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Solitude and absurdity

All alone on Israel island By Yousef Munayyer, 18 Sep 2011 14:21 … Solitude and Absurdity. Perhaps no two other words better described the scene at the United Nations earlier this year when US Ambassador Susan Rice raised her hand with a reluctant expression on her face to veto a Security Council resolution condemning Israeli …

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Straightforward common sense

Monsieur d’Nalgar:  Ray Close just forwarded the following letter, with this short introduction: A friend of mine, a retired U.S. ambassador, sent this excellent letter to President Obama yesterday. Straightforward common sense. Ray … Dear Mr. President: Just think for a minute—what would happen if the United States abstained when the Palestinian question comes before the …

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Authentic religious pluralism

Religious Tolerance: Karma, Christ, Whatever? By Christian Smith, 9/16/11 01:17 PM ET … There was a time in American culture, only a few generations ago, when religious differences were major. Baptists were not Methodists, and both were definitely not Presbyterians. Catholics were absolutely not Protestant, and Protestants doubted that Catholics were even Christians. Jews and …

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