Praying with the Earth: A Prayerbook for Peace By John Philip Newell, 8/13/11 08:03 AM ET … I do not know how many Christians have read the Quran. And I do not know how many Muslims have read the Christian Scriptures. But I do know that until we come back into relationship, until we begin …
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Aug 10 2011
A larger vision
Matthew 15:21-28: Teaching Jesus By Barbara Kay Lundblad, 8/9/11 11:25 PM ET … This story in Matthew 15 is very troubling. A Canaanite woman cries out to Jesus to heal her daughter. By the end of the story, her daughter has been healed — but between the crying and the healing, Jesus says some terrible …
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Aug 09 2011
Unable to discern any difference
A solution to our troubles: tax the rich By Joan Juliet Buck, Tuesday 9 August 2011 20.30 BST … I’m not a politician. I have an American passport but I grew up in France, where I was taught logic, and England, where education was free or affordable, health was a human right, roads, bridges and …
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Aug 09 2011
In just six days
God’s Blog By Paul Simms, August 8, 2011 … UPDATE: Pretty pleased with what I’ve come up with in just six days. Going to take tomorrow off. Feel free to check out what I’ve done so far. Suggestions and criticism (constructive, please!) more than welcome. God out. COMMENTS (24) Not sure who this …
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Aug 09 2011
We are the change that we seek
If Obama is Not Your Boyfriend, Why are you Playing Hard to Get? By Wendy Gittleson, August 8, 2011 … It’s tough being a Progressive these days. Hell, it’s tough being an American these days, but I digress. As Progressives, there is a lot we agree upon – We want fair/progressive taxation. We want multinational …
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Aug 08 2011
A faithful man
The Christian Faith of Senator Mark Hatfield By Rev. Chuck Currie, 8/8/11 04:37 PM ET … The United States of America lost an incredible political leader last night when former U.S. Senator Mark Hatfield (R-OR) passed away after a long illness. He was 89. In his two terms as Oregon’s governor and five terms in …
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Aug 08 2011
Exceptionally common
The US military’s secret military By Nick Turse, 08 Aug 2011 06:05 … Somewhere on this planet a US commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that 70 times and you’re done … for the day. Without the knowledge of much of the general American public, a secret force within the US military is …
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