Category: Culture

What happens

Hiroshima’s Lessons: The Air Force, Just War and Nuclear Weapons By Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, 8/7/11 12:21 AM ET … Faced with secular activists’ furor over the separation of church and state, the Air Force recently shelved a mandatory ethics training for nuclear missile officers following a report that the session employed Christian theology and Bible …

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Given the choice…

A utopian response to the Obama administration By Clancy Sigal, Sunday 7 August 2011 18.00 BST … A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at. – Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man Under Socialism … OK, it’s done, the party’s over. For the umpteenth time, President Obama …

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Send in the clowns

Yes, Congress Is in Session (for a Few Seconds, Anyway) By Jennifer Steinhauer, August 5, 2011 … WASHINGTON — “Thonk!” That’s the sound of the gavel smacking down as the people’s business got underway Friday in the United States Senate. It was also the sound, 59 seconds later, of the end of the workday. Mission …

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Let America be America again By Paul Rosenberg, 05 Aug 2011 12:01 … “America never was America to me, And yet I swear this oath – America will be!” – Langston Hughes … As I wrote last week, there are a number of troubling facets of the New Apostolic Reformation [NAR] that cry out for …

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Only God knows

Ramadan: a guide for the perplexed By Mehdi Hasan, Wednesday 3 August 2011 20.00 BST … I crawled out of bed this morning at 2.45am, exhausted and bleary-eyed. I wolfed down two eggs, two slices of toast, a croissant, half a banana and several glasses of water. Then I went back to bed. I performed …

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A common enemy

How Saudi Arabia Killed the Arab Spring By Fayyad, August 1, 2011 … Saudi Arabia squashed the “Arab Spring” when it sent its military to quell the popular uprising in neighboring Bahrain earlier this year. The Saudi intervention was the first systemic use of uniformed, overwhelming force to suppress peaceful demonstrations in the wave of …

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All our things

Le 28 Juillet : La Liberté guidant le peuple (1830), Eugène Delacroix. Tableau commémorant les Trois Glorieuses et symbole de la France, de la démocratie et de la République (analyse de l’œuvre sur le site du Louvre). 8 Reasons Young Americans Don’t Fight Back: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance By Bruce E. Levine, July …

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