Category: Culture

Mirror, mirror

Stop blaming Israel for every grievance in the Middle East By Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Monday, 2 May 2011 … First came the Arab spring (followed, in some lands, by the harshest of winters) and now Hamas and Fatah have signed a deal for unity. Naturally, Israel is as panicked as are Arab despots by the shifts …

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Is this what we wanted?

How the U.S. ‘Won’: Torture, Secret Prisons By Jack Stuef, 3:09 pm May 2, 2011 … In the midst of all the celebrations that good finally defeated evil yesterday, there is this fact: the U.S. got the leads that allowed it to find and kill Osama bin Laden from two men: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and …

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Impeached, or something

Daily Mail Launches Weird Attack On Obama’s Father By Jason Linkins, 04/29/11 11:40 AM ET … Here’s a clever thing the the U.K.’s Daily Mail did in response to the release of President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate: a brief little item on how Obama’s father was a “slippery character.” Says the Daily Mail, “With …

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Southern weed

It’s official.  We know now that there is nothing that will ever appease the nutters who desperately hate our President.  Frenzied conspiracy theories have always thrived in the fertile imaginations of America’s fringy shadowlands, those dark, squishy places just beyond the edge of sanity.  But in this topsy-turvy silly season, with abject nonsense cropping up all around …

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Eyes of a birther

Obama’s Birth Certificate Through The Eyes Of A Birther (PICTURE) By Ross Luippold, 04-27-11 05:08 PM The White House released President Obama’s long form birth certificate to much fanfare, claiming that the media’s attention on people like Donald Trump who question the President’s legitimacy was a “distraction” and “silliness.” But we hardly expect those who …

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While the poor shrivel…

Donald Trump’s lunacy reveals core truth about the Republicans By Johan Hari, Friday, 29 April 2011 … Since the election of Barack Obama, the Republican Party has proved that one of its central intellectual arguments was right all along. It has long claimed that evolution is a myth believed in only by whiny liberals – …

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A burned-out wreck

Donald Trump and the Republican nightmare of 2012 By Richard Adams, April 26, 2011 … Is Donald Trump a double agent working on behalf of the Democratic party? Because that would at least explain why Trump is doing his utmost to turn the Republican party into a burned-out wreck. Whatever it is that is driving …

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