Category: Culture

Breaking (the) news

Let the images of war speak for themselves By Robert Fisk, Saturday, 2 April 2011 … I hate being called a war reporter. Firstly, because there is an unhappy flavour of the junkie about it. Secondly, because you cannot report a war without knowing the politics behind it. Could Ed Murrow or Richard Dimbleby have covered …

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Another myth done gone

The myth of tribal Libya By Alaa al-Ameri , Wednesday 30 March 2011 10.00 BST … In the last few weeks, the word “tribalism” has been used extensively in the context of the Libyan democratic uprising – a spectre looming over the country, embodying the devil we don’t know. This was first introduced into the …

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Fordson High School

[tube][/tube] “Fordson” is a feature length documentary film that follows four talented high school football players from Dearborn Michigan as they gear up for their big senior year rivalry game during the last ten days of Ramadan, a month when Muslims traditionally fast every day from sunrise to sundown. The story is set against …

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Ignorance is fundamental

Florida pastor burns Koran in ‘execution’ By Guy Adams in Los Angeles, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 … A fundamentalist pastor who drew international attention to his tiny Florida church by threatening to mark the anniversary of 9/11 by burning copies of the Koran has finally followed through on his promise, several months late and with …

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Mangled pronunciations

Arabic, phlegm and the battle of Tarf al-Ghar By David Shariatmadari, Thursday 24 March 2011 11.00 GMT … Az Zawiyah. Sana’a. Benghazi. Over the last few months, western commentators have had to get to grips with an array of confusing new words. We can assume that pronunciation units have been working through the night to …

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Sorry means never

It’s Blair I feel really sorry for By Mark Steel, Wednesday, 23 March 2011 … Isn’t it marvellous that all these governments are determined to do “something” about Colonel Gaddafi? For example Hillary Clinton said she supported military action once the Arab League – made up of countries such as Bahrain, Syria, Yemen and Saudi …

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Worth more than boys

The sanctity of the soaring Qassam By Amira Hass, 00:56 23.03.11 … The Hamas authorities once again forgot that the neighbor/occupier to its east is crazy. Fact: Over Shabbat, Hamas’ military wing fired more than 50 mortar shells at Israel. Or perhaps it didn’t forget: Perhaps it merely thought the Palestinian people in Gaza were …

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