Category: Culture

A theory of everything

Introductory note:  This explanation of the current political scene in Israel can easily be adapted to help explain our own emerging fascism, and the rise of our own American Hezbollah, which will hereafter be referred to as “The Tea Party of God” on this blog.  The emphases in the article are mine, not Mr. Strenger’s. Here’s hoping …

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Why do Jewish groups ignore Beck? By MJ Rosenberg, for  Al Jazeera 23 Dec 2010 13:28 GMT … Has anyone noticed that right-wingers are really exercised about anti-Semitism these days except when it emanates from right-wingers? This week in Forbes, Abigail R. Esman pens an utterly over-the-top column called “World To Jews: Drop Dead.”  Dead! She …

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A brush too broad

How I was smeared as an anti-Semite By Christina Patterson, for The Independent Thursday, 23 December 2010 … At the end of a long and exhausting year, it’s sometimes hard to know what will hit the spot. A spa break in Thailand? A month-long marathon of black and white weepies? Or, perhaps, a little surprise. …

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Happy birthday!

The bible that even atheists worship The Independent Wednesday, 22 December 2010 King James I of England has not always had a good press. His disdain for parliament, his dodgy favourites, the extravagance of his court and his pro-Spanish foreign policy did not do him any credit. He was the founder of that unhappy line …

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David Barton

The following was adapted from an e-mail conversation with my pastor, following a December 12, 2010 front-page article in the Sentinel Record describing how David Barton was “brought” to Hot Springs by another pastor (who just happens to be the new mayor’s husband) for a rah-rah rally/revival to “energize and educate” Tea Party Republicans who recently routed …

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Fascism disguised

DISGUISED FASCISM SEEN AS A MENACE Prof. Luccock Warns That It Will Bear the Misleading Label ‘Americanism’ … The New York Times, 12 September 1938, page 15, re. a sermon preached the day before (9/11 — ironic, n’est pas?)… … When and if fascism comes to America it will not be labeled “made in Germany”; …

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The way to Bethlehem

Adapted from the December 5, 2010 sermon “Whose peace?” by Rev. Rich Lang, pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Seattle. The way to Bethlehem is not an easy path. It is not a safe journey. Luke’s account of the Advent tells us that the child in Mary’s womb would be a threat to the …

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