In Israel, we walk amongst killers and torturers By Amira Hass, Jun. 22, 2015 12:48 AM In our homes, our streets and our places of work and entertainment, there are thousands of people who killed and tortured thousands of other people or supervised their killing and torture. I write “thousands” as a substitute for the vaguer …
Category: Culture
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Jun 22 2015
The Passion of George Zimmerman
We now know that Dylann Roof, the young man who murdered nine people in Charleston last week, left behind a manifesto. And from it, we know that the killer’s Damascus-road conversion happened once he believed in the righteousness of the Passion of George Zimmerman, the Miami vigilante who gunned down a black teenager for wearing …
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Jun 16 2015
Tree of liberty
A Modest Proposal By The Observer, June 11 2015 In recognition of Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s recently opining that the open carry of firearms is, as he understands it, legal now under Arkansas law as long as the person doing the carrying doesn’t intend to commit a crime, The Observer is pleased to announce the …
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Jun 13 2015
A quiet, respectful carnival
Champagne days By Will Stephenson, April 02, 2015 1. A weekend in Hot Springs. City of ghosts and cracked porcelain doorknobs. Where old-world tourism once bloomed in the shadow of the Ouachita Mountains — a place of yellowed decadence, amphibious tour buses and wax statues of recent U.S. presidents. A city whose most prized …
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Jun 09 2015
Pathetic political aggrandizement
A Woman Dies on Beech Street: Revisiting the Terri Schiavo Case By Charles P. Pierce, Dec 23, 2014 @ 1:40 PM The one abiding characteristic of the two generations of the Bush family that have gifted the nation with their political leadership is a reckless, selfish brand of political ambition. Quite simply, in the …
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May 30 2015
Advanced Training Institute
I could’ve been a Duggar wife: I grew up in the same church, and the abuse scandal doesn’t shock me By Brooke Arnold, Thursday, May 28, 2015 10:36 AM CDT Unlike most of the writers covering the Duggar sex scandal, I was raised in Advanced Training Institute (ATI), the fundamentalist Christian organization with which …
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May 21 2015
Hazardous, illusory, and sadly unchallenged
America’s Virulent, Extremist Counterterrorism Ideology By Micah Zenko, May 21, 2015 Throughout the 13-plus years of the war on terrorism, one line of effort that everyone in Washington agrees on is the necessity to counter the ideology put forth by terrorist groups. Unfortunately, everyone also agrees that U.S. government agencies have done a terrible …
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