Category: Culture

A kind of paranoid art

NSA to Americans: ‘All your data are belong to us!’ By Dan Hind, 10 Jun 2013 18:19   A few days ago, the Guardian published details of the US National Security Administration’s PRISM programme. We now know that the NSA is able to access personal data stored by Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Paltalk, YouTube, Skype, AOL …

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Saturday Night

All in the space of about two blocks… By Monsieur d’Nalgar, June 7, 2013   Last night, Saturday, June 8, 2013, there was a progressive concert on Bathhouse Row.  All part of our annual Hot Springs Music Festival.  Each group played for about five minutes, and then the audience “progressed” on to the next event. …

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The question of why Israel rubs

Why do people hate Israel? (a self-test) By Bradley Burston, May.28, 2013 | 8:15 PM   Every year, the BBC World Service publishes a Country Ratings opinion survey, meant to indicate which of the world’s nations are among the most popular, and which the most disliked. In 2013, as in years past, more than 26,000 …

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An extraordinary swamp

The prosperity gospel makes a mockery of Christianity By Andrew Brown, May 29, 2013   There is a very good programme on the “prosperity gospel” available on the Radio 4 website right now. Two things need saying about it. The first is that it proves, if anything could, the difficulty of defining religions in terms …

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We live in the earthly one

An Open Letter to Elie Wiesel By Avner Inbar and Assaf Sharon, May 27, 2010   In a recent public letter to President Obama, Elie Wiesel urged the President not to “pressure” Israel to cease settlement activity in Jerusalem. According to Wiesel: For me, the Jew that I am, Jerusalem is above politics. It is …

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Driven by deeply sexist and patriarchal ideology

The dark side of home schooling: creating soldiers for the culture war By Katherine Stewart, Wednesday 8 May 2013 07.00 EDT   Several decades ago, political activists on the religious right began to put together an “ideology machine”. Home schooling was a big part of the plan. The idea was to breed and “train up” …

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It hurts to write this sentence

Behind the use of drones is a complacent belief that murdering Muslims is always justifiable By Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Sunday 28 April 2013   First, read this unconditional acceptance of facts that cannot be denied nor excused. Islamicist terrorism has inflicted atrocities and diffused panic and amorphous, long-term anxiety from east to west, south to …

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