Category: Culture

American exceptionalism in action

Jordan through evangelical Christian eyes – Disneyland with conversions By Becky Garrison, Tuesday 23 October 2012 03.30 EDT   I took a press trip round Jordan with a group of mostly evangelical Christian writers from the US last month. I had visited before, with a largely Catholic and Anabaptist group, who had seen their visit …

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Denying the reality it tries to explain

If massacres like Cromwell’s avert suffering, perhaps they can be justified By Andrew Brown, Friday 19 October 2012 03.29 EDT   The pleasure of reading history is that it’s so much more unexpected than the news. Who would have thought that one of the great philosophers of the enlightenment defended Oliver Cromwell’s massacres in Ireland? …

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We are all little girls now

These fondant fancies are baking little girls of us all By Tanya Gold, Friday 19 October 2012 16.30 EDT   The clock is broken. Everything points backwards. It is a truism that these are, for women, conservative times. Female unemployment climbs, equal pay stalls, employment rights die, female representation sinks and, to distract us from …

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As I ponder the gloom

Tap Dancing at the Cataclysm By Charles Redfern, 10/15/2012 12:41 pm   So there are two ants on a hill, see, and both feel the ground tremble and boom.  They notice a gargantuan creature — a sky-high behemoth — walking toward them.  One ant says to the other ant: “Human: better run.”  The other replies: …

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Pornographers of outrage

Pigs to the Lake: The Evangelical Exorcism By Morgan Guyton, 10/18/2012  5:15 pm   In Mark 5, Jesus casts a legion of demons out of a man chained to a graveyard by sending them into a herd of pigs, who race with fury to a cliff and throw themselves in a lake. This event is …

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Feeding the bigotry of the racists

Billy Graham’s lurch towards Mitt Romney risks his legacy By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Thursday 18 October 2012 07.57 EDT   As America’s pastor for the past half century, Billy Graham has earned a reputation as a wise and holy man. But the respect he has gained as a man of unflinching, unerring principles has been severely …

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Why Obama?

      Were Obama my perfect candidate, then most of the prior administration would be rotting away in Guantanamo, a latter-day Spandau prison under UN jurisdiction.  What was left of the Grand Old Party would be its ridiculous, remnant wackadoodle tea party born-again John Birchers and a handful of secessionists still itching to fight …

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