Category: Culture

Take that, cynical Facebook-meme purveyors

Go Ahead and Post That Liberal Rant on Facebook. You Might Change Someone’s Mind By Will Oremus, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, at 5:55 PM ET Thinking of posting a status update to let all your Facebook friends to know where you stand on the latest controversy over tax policy or immigration? Conventional wisdom: For the …

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Naked on the national stage

[tube][/tube] In caving on Jerusalem, Dems pulled back the curtain on the lobby By Philip Weiss, September 6, 2012   Last night was an amazing moment at the Democratic National Convention; for an instant, we saw the Israel lobby naked on the national stage. When party bosses stuffed the phrase, “Jerusalem is and will remain …

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Crocodile eyelashes

At last! The must-have, to-die-for Deb bag By Deborah Ross, Thursday 06 September 2012   If you ask me, to celebrate the launch of Victoria Beckham’s Harper bag, and having given up on anyone creating a handbag named after me, I have personally decided to launch the Deb bag. I’ve already, I believe, fulfilled the …

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Moral superiority is often asserted

William Hague is wrong… we must own up to our brutal colonial past By Owen Jones, Monday 03 September 2012   Remember all that national soul-searching and self-flagellation over Empire and all the horrors committed in its name? No, me neither. But this is the fictional Britain that has been conjured up by our Foreign …

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Defining what is and isn’t reality

Saving ‘Lyin’ Ryan’ By Mark Hertsgaard, 03 Sep 2012 09:40   No doubt about it, Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention the other night was a daring display, especially for a guy with his last name. If Ryan keeps spouting so many blatant and easily checkable lies, the temptation to comedy show …

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The Grand Old Party illusion

Cruel Conservatives Throw a Masquerade Ball By Maureen Dowd, September 1, 2012   MESSAGE: They care. Republicans care deeply. They really do. They care deeply about making us think that they care deeply. That’s why they knocked themselves out producing a convention that was a colossal hoax. They did that for us. Because they care. …

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Superficial fancies are so ridiculous

In the Shadow of Fiction: How Television Is Making (Up) Muslim History By Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, 31/08/2012   In Channel 4’s Islam: the Untold Story, aired 28 August, British writer Tom Holland – garbed Indiana Jones-style in billowing shirt and trusty hat – treks across the Arabian desert, talking to local Bedouins, and inspecting …

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