Category: Foreign Policy

If it bleeds it leads

Ghosts will haunt Libya for decades By Patrick Cogburn, Sunday, 24 April 2011 … In Baghdad at the end of last year, Waled Hamid brought a peculiar court case against a man who had sold him a house. Mr Hamid said the vendor failed to tell him that the house was haunted and was in …

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Megalomessianic meddling

300 Goats and Sheep, 20 Slaughterers, One Willful Rabbi By Nathan Jeffay, April 13, 2011 (issue of April 22, 2011) Jerusalem — Making Seder for the extended family seems like child’s play compared with Rabbi Yehudah Glick’s Passover preparations. The New York-born Glick is getting ready to lead world Jewry in a Paschal sacrifice April …

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Defending Constantine

Church and Empire By C.H.Featherstone, Thursday, March 17, 2011 … One of the things Pete Leithart is trying to do with his book, Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom, is to question Mennonite John Howard Yoder’s ideas on the “Constantinian Deal,” the arrangement between the church and the imperial …

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Uprising in a bottle

The Power of Mockery By Nicholas D. Kristof, April 16, 2011 … The juiciest story behind the Middle East uprisings doesn’t concern Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s “voluptuous” Ukrainian nurse or C.I.A. bags of cash. Rather, it’s the tale of how a nonviolent revolutionary strategy crafted by Serbian students and an octogenarian American scholar came to challenge …

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Paradigm shift in Palestine-Israel situation?

  Note: John Whitbeck is a Harvard-educated American lawyer, now resident in Paris, whose international practice has focused primarily on the Middle East. – Ray Close Finally, some hope for a game-changing turn of events in the Palestine-Israel situation TO: Distinguished Recipients FM: John Whitbeck … Today’s ARAB NEWS editorial, transmitted below, notes, with justified optimism, the …

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Patronizing myths die hard

Arabs Give Neocons a Reality Check By James Zogby, 04/16/11 09:44 AM ET … While much of what has come to be known as “the Arab Spring” remains a work in progress, there can be no doubt that a new dynamic has been unleashed across the region — one that will have a profound impact …

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Primer for progressive pilgrims

What is Liberation Theology? By Tony Campolo, April 30, 2008; 12:16 AM ET … With all the upset over Jeremiah Wright and his so-called Liberation Theology, many have been asking what Liberation Theology is all about. Well, it is not very complicated! It is the simple belief that in the struggles of poor and oppressed …

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