Category: Foreign Policy

Good vibrations

Mona Eltahawy, in the Guardian:  Tunisia: the first Arab revolution Also in the Guardian:  Tunisia’s Jasmine revolution: A flower that could be crushed Lamis Andoni, in Al Jazeera:  To the tyrants of the Arab world Note that this ends in poetry by Abul-Qasim al-Shabi in his poem To the Tyrants of the …

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Pity the nation

The brutal truth about Tunisia By Robert Fisk Monday, 17 January 2011 The end of the age of dictators in the Arab world? Certainly they are shaking in their boots across the Middle East, the well-heeled sheiks and emirs, and the kings, including one very old one in Saudi Arabia and a young one in …

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Connecting dots

Two days ago, Chris asked the following:  “Any good answers to the Hariri killing and the switch in emphasis to Hezbollah?  Or to what Hillary’s doing in Yemen?” Re. Hillary Clinton’s trip to Yemen, I’ve seen/read little so far except the usual fluff about Hillary falling down and about this being her “apology tour” for …

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The way to Bethlehem

Adapted from the December 5, 2010 sermon “Whose peace?” by Rev. Rich Lang, pastor of Trinity United Methodist Church in Seattle. The way to Bethlehem is not an easy path. It is not a safe journey. Luke’s account of the Advent tells us that the child in Mary’s womb would be a threat to the …

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Shades of gray

U.S. Illusions in Lebanon By Roger Cohen, New York Times op-ed columnist Published: December 13, 2010 BEIRUT — Once upon a time a U.S. secretary of state spoke of the “birth pangs of a new Middle East.” That’s now the most laughed-at phrase in gravity-defying Lebanon, a country with two armies, a “unity” government too …

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Find the cost…

…of freedom, buried in the ground Mother earth will swallow you Lay your body down Stephen Stills, 1970 Robert Fisk: Oceans of blood and profits for the mongers of war Saturday, 27 November 2010 … Since there are now three conflicts in the greater Middle East; Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel/”Palestine” and maybe another Lebanese war in …

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Dear Friends: Below is the full text of an excellent (make that superior) speech delivered last week in Washington by Kathleen Christison to the annual meeting of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations (NCUSAR) on the subject of current U.S. policy toward the Israel-Palestine problem. Most of you will recall that Kathy is a retired …

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