Category: Foreign Policy

Murillo’s Memorial Day

Manuel Zelaya’s courageous homecoming By Amy Goodman, Wednesday 1 June 2011 14.34 BST … While most in the United States were recognising Memorial Day with a three-day weekend, the people of Honduras were engaged in a historic event: the return of President Manuel Zelaya, 23 months after being forced into exile at gunpoint in the …

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So Glenn Beck Thinks He’s A Prophet Now? By Andy Newbold, June 02, 2011 3:17 pm ET … Today, Mediaite reported that the last episode of Glenn Beck’s daily Fox News show will air on June 30. That news may just have driven Beck over the edge. On his radio show today, Beck told his …

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“Freedom for Palestine” Makes Glenn Beck Cry By soysauce for Adalah — A Just Middle East, Fri Jun 03, 2011 at 08:16 AM PDT … In a recent diary, simone daud introduced us to a new UK song, “Freedom for Palestine”. [tube][/tube] The song was written by Dave Randall of the UK dance band, Faithless, …

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Tafasta merubah, lo tafasta!

Dear Friends: This is an exceptionally constructive and illuminating appraisal of the current state of U.S. policy toward the Israel-Palestine issue, written by Henry Siegman, president of the US/Middle East Project (and presently a nonresident visiting research professor at the Sir Joseph Hotung Middle East Program, SOAS, University of London).   It is important to note that Mr. Siegman served on the executive …

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As this nonsense continues

Who cares in the Middle East what Obama says? By Robert Fisk, 30 May 2011 … This month, in the Middle East, has seen the unmaking of the President of the United States. More than that, it has witnessed the lowest prestige of America in the region since Roosevelt met King Abdul Aziz on the USS …

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Godliness and purity

Manifest destiny and the ‘Wild West Bank’ By Tarak Barkawi, 29 May 2011 16:32  … Judging by reactions to recent speeches by President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu, many in the US would prefer to have the Israeli leader directing US foreign policy on the key security questions of the day. It is astonishing that the …

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2011: The summer of love

Both read the bible day and night; but you read black where I read white. – William Blake No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: He is always convinced that it says what he means. –George Bernard Shaw A letter to the editor in today’s Sentinel Record (May 28, 2011, page …

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