Category: History

Amir Taheri: Persian prognosticators

…and presidential priorities. Note:  Amir Taheri is a contributing editor for and writes for the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal (detect a slight, right-ward slant here?).  His latest book is The Persian Night: Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution.  His New York Times article below, declaring the death of Osama bin Laden, was …

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Close encounters

A close encounter with the man who shook the world By Robert Fisk, Tuesday, 3 May 2011 … One hot evening in late June 1996, the telephone on my desk in Beirut rang with one of the more extraordinary messages I was to receive as a foreign correspondent. “Mr Robert, a friend you met in …

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Impeached, or something

Daily Mail Launches Weird Attack On Obama’s Father By Jason Linkins, 04/29/11 11:40 AM ET … Here’s a clever thing the the U.K.’s Daily Mail did in response to the release of President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate: a brief little item on how Obama’s father was a “slippery character.” Says the Daily Mail, “With …

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Southern weed

It’s official.  We know now that there is nothing that will ever appease the nutters who desperately hate our President.  Frenzied conspiracy theories have always thrived in the fertile imaginations of America’s fringy shadowlands, those dark, squishy places just beyond the edge of sanity.  But in this topsy-turvy silly season, with abject nonsense cropping up all around …

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Hear me roar

Rebellion: Smashing stereotypes of Arab women By Soumaya Ghannoushi, 25 Apr 2011 13:28 … The Arab revolutions are not only shaking the structure of tyranny to the core – they are shattering many of the myths about the Arab region that have been accumulating for decades. Topping the list of dominant myths are those of …

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Easter: hats, bunnies, eggs and hallelujah?

What’s good about Good Friday? By Susan Brooks Thislethwaite, Friday, April 22, 2011 … The word “good” in “Good Friday” is actually an older way of saying “pious” or “holy.” In the Christian tradition, this is a holy day that marks the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth by the Romans on Friday, April 3, in …

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If it bleeds it leads

Ghosts will haunt Libya for decades By Patrick Cogburn, Sunday, 24 April 2011 … In Baghdad at the end of last year, Waled Hamid brought a peculiar court case against a man who had sold him a house. Mr Hamid said the vendor failed to tell him that the house was haunted and was in …

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