Category: History

Oh brother where art thou?

    Dear editor, Oh my little brother, where art thou NOW?!  Week after week your letters, pregnant with petulant, prattling preachery raging against the black man in the White House, parade your naked paranoia and your ponderous morality for all to see.  Who anointed you and your amen corner arbiters of who is — …

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Zara’u fa akalna, nazra’u fa ya’kulun

Stories My Father Told Me By Helen Zughaib with Elia Kamal Zughaib, November/December 2015     Charity and Compassion When Jiddu told my father this story, he prefaced it by saying his father had told it to him and he must never forget it, and that is how he told it to me. Once there …

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Between truth and rage

The Switch By The Observer, November 04 2015   The Observer got out recently to talk to a few folks who have worked against the death penalty in Arkansas for years, the results of which you can read in this issue. Our own feelings on the idea of society putting people to death as punishment …

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Something fundamentally disturbing

France Has Been No Friend to Muslims By Gordon Adams, November 17, 2015   Once again, a violent jihadi terrorist attack has hit France, this time with at least 450 victims, 129 of them fatal. Rallying around the French flag, even pasting it over our Facebook avatars, follows, because an attack on European soil somehow …

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These pathetic men and women

Do those who flaunt the poppy on their lapels know that they mock the war dead? By Robert Fisk, 3 November 2014   I turned on the television in my Damascus hotel room to witness a dreary sight: all the boys and girls of BBC World wearing their little poppies again. Bright red they were, …

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A prosperous economic system

Yes, the Civil War Was About Slavery By Bruce Gourley, December 24, 2010 INTRODUCTION Baptists and other white Americans North and South during the Civil War-era were unequivocal: secession, the existence of the Confederate States of America, and the Civil War were all the result of slavery, the immoral (or moral, depending on one’s race, …

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Correct reading, it used to work wonders

  Kamal Salibi: Scholar and teacher regarded as one of the foremost historians of the Middle East By Robert Fisk, Wednesday 07 September 2011   Almost two decades ago, recording a BBC radio programme on Islam, I dropped by the American University of Beirut to interview an old Christian Protestant friend, Kamal Salibi. I asked …

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