Category: History

66 years ago today

Remembering Deir Yassin   On April 9 1948, fighters from the Irgun Zevai Leumi and Lohamei Herut Israel Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, a Palestinian village of roughly 600 people.  Around 107 villagers were killed during and afte…r the battle for the village, including women and children — some were shot, while …

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The power to fashion their fate

Despite the cruelties heaped on them, Palestinian refugees’ spirit has not broken By Karma Nabulsi, Friday 21 March 2014 14.17 EDT   The only thing heard nowadays about the majority of the Palestinian people – those made refugees in the Nakba of 1948 – is that they must consider themselves and their fate entirely forfeited. …

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Backfire effect

Here Are 5 Infuriating Examples of Facts Making People Dumber By Chris Mooney, Wed Mar. 5, 2014 3:00 AM GMT     On Monday, I reported on the latest study to take a bite out of the idea of human rationality. In a paper just published in Pediatrics, Brendan Nyhan of Dartmouth University and his …

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Well, blow me down!

Were it not for the French, Hezbollah would all be Syrians fighting on their own government’s side inside their own country By Robert Fisk, Sunday 2 March 2014   Borders are becoming a bit odd in the Middle East. They always have been, of course. Ever since Mark Sykes and François Georges Picot – the …

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You don’t have to listen

Don’t listen to Obama’s Ukraine critics: he’s not ‘losing’ – and it’s not his fight By Michael Cohen, Monday 3 March 2014 12.19 EST   In the days since Vladimir Putin sent Russian troops into the Crimea, it has been amateur hour back in Washington. I don’t mean Barack Obama. He’s doing pretty much everything …

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Most of these fundamentalists are illiterate

Pluralism was once the hallmark of the Arab world, so the exodus of Christians from the Middle East is painful to one Islamic scholar By Robert Fisk, Sunday 23 February 2014   Tarif Khalidi is a big, bearded bear of a man, the kind you would always choose to play Father Christmas, or perhaps a …

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Your state and culture as the world’s patron

Ted Cruz’s imperialist fantasy: Why his latest anti-Obama epithet is so dangerous By Colin P. Elliott, Saturday, Feb 15, 2014 08:30 AM CST   In the wake of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, Sen. Ted Cruz now insists that Americans are living under an “imperial presidency” because of the way that the …

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