After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn’t Had a Similar Massacre Since. By Will Oremus, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012, at 10:00 PM ET On April 28, 1996, a gunman opened fire on tourists in a seaside resort in Port Arthur, Tasmania. By the time he was finished, he had …
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Dec 16 2012
A rare moment of national self-reflection
Newtown shooting: when it comes to guns and violence, America is like a failed state Observer editorial, Saturday 15 December 2012 In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness the character of Kurtz, at his life’s end, has a moment of profound lucidity, which prompts his last words: “The horror.” This weekend in the wake of …
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Dec 14 2012
Holy chapter in the Gospel of America’s Goodness
Zero Dark Thirty: CIA hagiography, pernicious propaganda By Glenn Greenwald, Friday 14 December 2012 10.03 EST I’ve now seen “Zero Dark Thirty”. Before getting to that: the controversy triggered this week by my commentary on the debate over that film was one of the most ridiculous in which I’ve ever been involved. It was …
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Dec 09 2012
Islam saved Jewry
So, what did the Muslims do for the Jews? By David J Wasserstein, May 24, 2012 Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. The argument for it is double. First, in 570 CE, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and …
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Dec 04 2012
Nostalgic for the values that existed
Both Arab and Jew lived in the original Palestine. Why, Moshe Dayan asks, can’t they do so again? By Robert Fisk, Sunday 2 December 2012 “I was born here and I have a right to live here – the same thing goes for the Arab population” On the wall of the flat is a …
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Nov 27 2012
A wise and gentle old man
Dear Friends: Reproduced below, after my personal comments, is a movie review by the much-admired critic A. O. Scott that appeared in the Sunday New York Times this past week. Featured in the write-up is a man whom I was once privileged to know and call a friend — Avraham (“Abe”) Shalom, a former …
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Nov 18 2012
It is that serious
Time to remind ourselves of Britain’s unhelpful legacy to the Palestinians By Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Sunday 18 November 2012 You’ve seen the pictures, read about the bloodshed, heard the accusations. The military head of Hamas was assassinated by Israel in Gaza. Rockets fired in retaliation killed three Israelis and Israel then went into overkill. …
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