Category: History

Death via live broadcast

On third anniversary of Gaza war, we will remember By Amira Hass, 03:53 02.01.12 … On the third anniversary of the Cast Lead onslaught, we remember the anonymous soldiers who fired on a red car, in which a father, Mohammed Shurrab, and his two sons were returning home from their farm lands. It is not …

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Monsieur d’Nalgar’s note: The title of this post is taken from the last line of Stéphane Hessel’s Indignez vous! TO CREATE IS TO RESIST; TO RESIST IS TO CREATE. The little red book that swept France By John Lichfield, Monday 03 January 2011 … Take a book of just 13 pages, written by a relatively …

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France’s shamefully forgotten allies By Robert Fisk, Saturday 31 December 2011 … It took Indigènes to remind the French that they owed their liberation not only to De Gaulle’s largely white Free French troops but also to 134,000 Algerian soldiers, 73,000 Moroccans, 26,000 Tunisians and 92,000 “others” from Sub-Saharan Africa. Indigènes means “natives” but the …

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Protect the system of domination

Bonfire of the dictators By Robert Fisk, Saturday 31 December 2011 … How come they lasted so long? We are so keen to analyse the revolutions that tore the Middle East’s dictatorships apart this year that we have forgotten the record of endurance of these vicious men and their sheer, dogged, ruthless power to survive. …

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Downhill from here

Smelly, Hairy and Covered in Hay Announced by Archdruid Eileen, Saturday, 24 December 2011 … It’s the scene every expectant mum looks forward to. The baby – all screwed up like a raisin, sure, but definitely adorable. The husband standing by, awe-struck by the miracle that has happened so many times since a mutant duck-billed …

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Smells like TEA

Old Ron Paul Video Warns of One-World Religion, UN Dictatorship By Tim Murphy, Tue Dec. 27, 2011 3:05 AM PST … Rep. Ron Paul’s presidential campaign has run into trouble recently after national media refocused on decades-old racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, and deeply conspiratorial articles published under Paul’s name (and at least occasionally under his signature) …

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The well is deep

The Means Determine the End By Harry Emerson Fosdick, Living Under Tension, 1941, Harper and Brothers, New York and London, pages 102 – 111. … EVERYONE knows how commonly our high determinations peter out. We resolve that we will overcome some unfortunate habit, will have a lovelier family life, will deepen our friendships, will do better …

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