Category: History

Spooky action at a distance

The Solace of Preparing Fried Foods and Other Quaint Remembrances from 1960s Mississippi: Thoughts on The Help By Roxane Gay, August 17th, 2011 … When my brothers and I have a particularly frustrating day rife with racial insensitivity, we’ll call and say, “Today is a Rosewood day.” Nothing more needs to be said. Rosewood, is …

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Solitude and absurdity

All alone on Israel island By Yousef Munayyer, 18 Sep 2011 14:21 … Solitude and Absurdity. Perhaps no two other words better described the scene at the United Nations earlier this year when US Ambassador Susan Rice raised her hand with a reluctant expression on her face to veto a Security Council resolution condemning Israeli …

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Straightforward common sense

Monsieur d’Nalgar:  Ray Close just forwarded the following letter, with this short introduction: A friend of mine, a retired U.S. ambassador, sent this excellent letter to President Obama yesterday. Straightforward common sense. Ray … Dear Mr. President: Just think for a minute—what would happen if the United States abstained when the Palestinian question comes before the …

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The panic was on

The anthrax scare: not a germ of truth By Nicolaus Mills, Thursday 15 September 2011 12.00 EDT … We forget that less than a month after 9/11, Americans felt themselves under siege again. This time, the danger came from powdered anthrax sent through the mail in small, but deadly, amounts. The toll from the anthrax …

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Stripped of their humanity

Israel’s missed opportunities By Anwar Ibrahim, 15 Sep 2011 18:45 … In the prologue to The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem, the author Josephus tells us that works written earlier by others “were marred by inaccuracies and prejudice” and that he “hopes to comfort the conquered and to deter others from attempting innovations”. Josephus’ …

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Deep inequality persists

Trocmé, Christ and revolution By Savitri Hensman, Tuesday 13 September 2011 14.02 BST … Jesus “was not concerned with the reform of certain details, but with overturning everything, including the entire economic hierarchy of society”, wrote André Trocmé in Jesus and the nonviolent revolution. It is now half a century since this work appeared, 40 …

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I did not know that

Jimmy Carter: ‘We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a bullet. We never went to war’ By Carole Cadwalladr, Sunday 11 September 2011 … Where does Jimmy Carter live? Well, close your eyes and imagine the kind of house an ex-president of the United States might live in. The sort of residence befitting the …

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