Category: Israel

Ours will be the same

As the Arabs see the Jews By His Majesty King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein (1882-1951), The American Magazine November, 1947 … I am especially delighted to address an American audience, for the tragic problem of Palestine will never be solved without American understanding, American sympathy, American support. So many billions of words have been written about …

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Sansour censored

Nation Estate (2012) Photo and video by Larissa Sansour … The Nation Estate project is a sci-fi photo series conceived in the wake of the Palestinian bid for nationhood at the UN. Three preliminary sketches have been developed especially for the Lacoste Elysée Prize 2011 – an award I was nominated for until Lacoste decided …

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Approaching the birth

Why we’re celebrating hope this Christmas By Victor Batarseh, Thursday 15/12/2011 … It all started in Bethlehem. From here, the Christmas message was revealed to mankind; a message of joy, love and peace. And here we are today, after more than 2,000 years, reviving this eternal remembrance in faith and love, happily cheering and singing …

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Feliz Navidad 2011

Merry Christmas (or click here for your choice of alternative winter holidays) to all, from high atop the Fidel Castro observation tower, overlooking the United Nations penal facility for war criminals (formerly known as Guantanamo Bay detention camp)… Note: This is a slight adaptation (for the holidays) of an earlier work titled “Spandau Reborn,” a …

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Militarised mendacity

Last Post in Iraq: this is the death knell of the American empire By George Galloway, Thursday 15 December 2011 09.30 EST … So the Yanks are going home. Apart from the thousands of their servicemen and women whose lifeblood they are leaving in the sands of Iraq, and the tens of thousands too maimed …

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Outposts forever and Palestine Never

Newt Gingrich may be able to occupy Palestine, but Israel can’t By Bradley Burston, 15:17 13.12.11 … Speaker Gingrich, if you’re serious about becoming president, it’s time that you got to know us a bit better. Let’s start with the Occupation, our 44-year-long experiment in re-inventing the Palestinian people. This is what you need to …

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Who are we?

Newt, Mitt, Bibi and Vladimir By Thomas L. Friedman, December 13, 2011 … I have a simple motto when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I love both Israelis and Palestinians, but God save me from some of their American friends — those who want to love them to death, literally. That thought came to …

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