Category: The Middle East

What it actually means

Arabic for right-wingers By Justin Elliott, Thursday, Jun 16, 2011 21:01 ET … In a now infamous column, the writer Eliana Benador argued this week that Anthony Weiner (who is a Jew) may have converted to Islam but was hiding it from the world in accordance with the practice of “taqiyya.” “It is also important, …

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Walid Shoebat

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Bastille Day!

Le 28 Juillet : La Liberté guidant le peuple (1830), Eugène Delacroix. Tableau commémorant les Trois Glorieuses et symbole de la France, de la démocratie  et de la République (analyse de l’œuvre sur le site du Louvre).

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I determine who is a Jew

Interview with Dr. Hajo Meyer [tube][/tube] Dr. Hajo Meyer is a Holocaust survivor and anti-Zionist activist. He has been conducting a speaking tour titled “Never Again For Anyone,” sharing his experiences of surviving Auschwitz and his perceptions of Zionism and the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. This video is a selection of clips from …

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Nothing ventured, nothing gained

While this cautionary tale of power and corruption is specifically about the caliphate of Rupert Murdoch, it reveals much about how powerful men like former Vice President Cheney were able to coerce the CIA and others to spoon-feed and self-redact and “sex up” the intelligence needed to justify criminal wars.  With, of course, the willing cooperation of the …

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Buy a hybrid

Changing the way oil drives US policy By PJ Crowley, Saturday 9 July 2011 21.10 BST … Twenty years after we went to war over oil and ten years after 9/11, America has still not connected the dots. This is not about the intelligence community, but American politics, policy and behaviour. We still don’t see …

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Turning the sun backward

How the religious right distorts history By Susan Jacoby, 01:31 PM ET, 07/06/2011 … On the Fourth of July, the Today show featured an annual ceremony at Monticello, Thomas Jefferson’s home, in which hundreds of immigrants take the oath that makes them naturalized citizens of the United States. Such occasions are always moving, as I can …

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