Category: The Middle East

What we have lost

[tube][/tube] Obscenities as words of Torah By Yossi Sarid, 01:09 07.06.11 … Go to your computer right now and watch the frightening video clip posted on YouTube as a memento of Jerusalem Day (it’s called “Yom Yeru 2011” ). Not a handful, but hundreds of young people high on hard-core nationalism wave blue-and-white flags; …

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Our truth

Port in a storm By Shay Fogelman, 12:23 03.06.11 … Two months ago, the Knesset passed the Budget Principles Law (Amendment 39 ), more popularly known as the “Nakba Law.” The ostensibly procedural clause is intended to prevent institutions that receive state funding from marking the “day of the catastrophe” – which is how the …

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So Glenn Beck Thinks He’s A Prophet Now? By Andy Newbold, June 02, 2011 3:17 pm ET … Today, Mediaite reported that the last episode of Glenn Beck’s daily Fox News show will air on June 30. That news may just have driven Beck over the edge. On his radio show today, Beck told his …

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“Freedom for Palestine” Makes Glenn Beck Cry By soysauce for Adalah — A Just Middle East, Fri Jun 03, 2011 at 08:16 AM PDT … In a recent diary, simone daud introduced us to a new UK song, “Freedom for Palestine”. [tube][/tube] The song was written by Dave Randall of the UK dance band, Faithless, …

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Tafasta merubah, lo tafasta!

Dear Friends: This is an exceptionally constructive and illuminating appraisal of the current state of U.S. policy toward the Israel-Palestine issue, written by Henry Siegman, president of the US/Middle East Project (and presently a nonresident visiting research professor at the Sir Joseph Hotung Middle East Program, SOAS, University of London).   It is important to note that Mr. Siegman served on the executive …

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If we become just and moral

Turning the ‘right of return’ into reality By Ben White, 31 May 2011 12:02 … After years of marginalisation in the peace process, the Palestinian refugees are back on centre stage. On May 15, Nakba day, the refugees forced their way on to the news agenda; in the past two weeks, Israeli and Palestinian leaders …

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On this Memorial Day

Something different to remember on Memorial Day By Clancy Sigal, Sunday 29 May 2011 15.00 BST War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. – President John F Kennedy I lost a friend recently with whom I’d grown up. As adolescents, …

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