Category: Palestine

For every child

A funeral for the State of Israel By Bradley Burston, 16:48 17.03.11 … All this week I’ve resisted putting something terrible into words. All this week I’ve been wondering why the Jerusalem burial ceremony for Ruth and Udi Fogel, their infant daughter Hadas and their two small sons Yoav and Elad, seemed so much like …

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Death as a national event

Netanyahu’s exploitation of the murders at Itamar By Nehemia Shtrasler, 02:55 15.03.11 … The horrific murders in Itamar were a crime against humanity. Entering a home in that manner and slaughtering five people in their sleep is a base, cowardly act, and it makes no difference whether the victim is an adult or an infant. …

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American foreign policy 101

AIPAC’s newest strategy By MJ Rosenberg, 15 Mar 2011 16:55 GMT … Prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is being heavily criticised in Israel for his blatant exploitation of the murder of five members of one family (including three children) at the Itamar settlement near Nablus. Particularly egregious has been Netanyahu’s demand that president Mahmoud Abbas personally appear on …

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Price tag for blood

You can put a mask on the Palestinian wild beast, such as a speaker who speaks fluent English. You can put it in a three-piece suit and a silk tie. But once in a while – when the moon is born, when a raven defecates on the head of a howling jackal, or when the …

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Fount of all terror

Palestinians understand Gaddafi better than we do By Robert Fisk, Saturday, 12 March 2011 … To Beirut. Storms. Heavy rain. Seas sweeping over the little port by my home.  A meeting with a close friend of a son of Gaddafi. “He wants a battle, habibi, he wants a battle. He wants to be the big …

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The hallows of Hebron

 The IDF’s masquerade in Hebron By Alon Idan, 01:57 10.03.11 … A walk through Hebron sends you into deep despair. Near the Cave of the Patriarchs, at the end of the plaza surrounded by a low fence, you see destruction and ruin, and especially the inconceivable segregation of the populations. Four children, maybe eight …

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Another brick

Tear down this Israeli wall By Roger Water, Friday 11 March 2011 21.30 GMT … In 1980, a song I wrote, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, was banned by the government of South Africa because it was being used by black South African children to advocate their right to equal education. That apartheid government imposed a …

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