Category: Palestine

Why we do what we do

We all helped suppress the Egyptians. So how do we change? By Johann Hari, Friday, 4 February 2011 The old slogan from the 1960s has come true: the revolution has been televised. The world is watching the Bastille fall on 24/7 rolling news. An elderly thug is trying to buy and beat and tear-gas himself enough …

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Matthew 23 woes

Huckabee: Israel can build in West Bank, Jerusalem     THE ASSOCIATED PRESS     JERUSALEM — Potential 2012 U.S. presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says preventing Jewish settlers from building in east Jerusalem is as outrageous as discriminating against Americans because of their race, language or religion.     Huckabee spoke at the dedication of a new Jewish neighborhood in east …

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View from the castle

The Egyptian masses won’t play ally to Israel By Gideon Levy, published 01:55 30.01.11 Three or four days ago, Egypt was still in our hands. The army of pundits, including our top expert on Egypt, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, said that “everything is under control,” that Cairo is not Tunis and that Mubarak is strong. Ben-Eliezer said …

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Back to the future?

Walid Jumblatt: Lebanon’s kingmaker By Lamis Andoni Last Modified: 22 Jan 2011 15:10 GMT +++ Walid Jumblatt, the leader of Lebanon’s 300,000-strong Druze community, has thrown his weight behind Hezbollah and Syria in the political showdown with the US-backed March 14 alliance that is brewing in Beirut. Jumblatt leads a bloc of 11 parliamentarians and …

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Pity the nation

The brutal truth about Tunisia By Robert Fisk Monday, 17 January 2011 The end of the age of dictators in the Arab world? Certainly they are shaking in their boots across the Middle East, the well-heeled sheiks and emirs, and the kings, including one very old one in Saudi Arabia and a young one in …

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Connecting dots

Two days ago, Chris asked the following:  “Any good answers to the Hariri killing and the switch in emphasis to Hezbollah?  Or to what Hillary’s doing in Yemen?” Re. Hillary Clinton’s trip to Yemen, I’ve seen/read little so far except the usual fluff about Hillary falling down and about this being her “apology tour” for …

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A theory of everything

Introductory note:  This explanation of the current political scene in Israel can easily be adapted to help explain our own emerging fascism, and the rise of our own American Hezbollah, which will hereafter be referred to as “The Tea Party of God” on this blog.  The emphases in the article are mine, not Mr. Strenger’s. Here’s hoping …

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