Category: Palestine


 Robert Fisk:  “We are in love with the word, seduced by it, fixated by it, attacked by it, assaulted by it, raped by it, committed to it. It is love and sadism and death in one double syllable, the prime time-theme song, the opening of every television symphony, the headline of every page, a punctuation …

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Gaza in plain language

 This is a nearly 10-minute video (thanks Marjorie).  I know we’re not allowed to make such comparisons, but think of 1937 Guernica and the infamous Warsaw Ghetto from 1940 – 1943:

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Eyes of a dead man Thanks to a recent post from Alia Yunis (, we now know more about the nine “Islamist extremists” who were murdered by Israeli commandos when they stormed the  MV Mavi Marmara in international waters on May 31, 2010. Ever wonder where the next generation of terrorists will come from?  Look into the faces …

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A pass, based on the past

 Fisk, in today’s piece on how a Canadian paper is diverting unwelcome attention on Israel’s latest brutality by reminding readers of Hitler and the Holocaust: As usual, we who speak out against the ruthlessness of Israel’s army – as, of course, we do against the Arabs – are anti-Semites. Remember the Holocaust. Remember Our Guilt. …

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Damn our apathy

 The demise of Helen Thomas’ long career was tragic, but the real tragedy is the continued suffering of Palestinians and the unchecked arrogance and brutality of a largely-artificial nation of Western fascists who we blindly subsidize despite the obvious contradictions to every ideal we Americans claim to hold dear. We are a proud nation of …

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A toast to Helen

 Where else but in America can you pillory the career of an old woman for the mere crime of having the audacity to speak her mind? The purge of the screeching castrati of our fourth estate is now nearly complete – any reporter who dared consider the improbable narrative that always justifies all that Israel …

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Beyond incredulity

 This headline in today’s supposedly-progressive Haaretz – “Israel Navy commandos: Gaza flotilla activists tried to lynch us” – makes me wonder if something was lost in translation.  The irony of a lynching in Israel’s own Deep South is strange enough fruit (see postscript) for a crack PR operation, but for an Israeli newspaper to acknowledge …

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