Category: War

Pushing Obama toward war

44 Senators, including many Democrats, sign AIPAC letter to Obama against Iran negotiations By Philip Weiss, June 16, 2012   Obama Letter P5+1 Final   A terrifying letter, signed by nearly half the Senate, Democrats and Republicans, pushing Obama toward war with Iran– and let’s see who is telling us about it. MJ Rosenberg a …

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Inspired and planned by the institutions of racism

Nurit Peled-Elhanan’s moving reflections on the occupation’s 45th birthday By Henry Norr, June 15, 2012 … Nurit Peled-Elhanan, daughter of a prominent Israeli general and mother of a suicide bombing victim, and her brother Miko Peled have long been among the most courageous Israeli critics of their nation’s treatment of the Palestinians, but this year they’re …

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It wasn’t even argued about

Quotes from the Early Church Writers on Military Service By Tad Delay, June 10 2012 … I recently finished a paper on the teaching of the early church fathers regarding military service.  This list used to be one of the more popular on a previous iteration of my site, so I’m posting it (updated/cited) again. …

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Terror Tuesday

Praying at the Church of St. Drone By Tom Engelhardt, 7:51am, June  5, 2012 … Be assured of one thing: whichever candidate you choose at the polls  in November, you aren’t just electing a president of the United States;  you are also electing an assassin-in-chief.  The last two presidents may  not have been emperors or …

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And the beat goes on

By Monsieur d’Nalgar, Friday June 8, 2012 … This rant emanates from a Facebook conversation today that followed Maha’s lament. Maha is a Palestinian woman who is frustrated with her Israeli friend. Seems that this friend is blind to historical realities of indigenous villages and peoples systematically erased from the ancient landscape by a new …

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When wood is chopped, chips fly

Hymns to the Violence: The NYT’s Love Letter to Obama’s Murder Racket By Chris Floyd, Tuesday, 29 May 2012 14:21 … I must, at last, admit defeat. I simply have no words, no rhetorical ammunition, no conceptual frameworks that could adequately address the total moral nullity exposed in Monday’s New York Times article on the …

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Exterminist rhetoric

How Christian fundamentalists plan to teach genocide to schoolchildren By Katherine Stewart, Wednesday 30 May 2012 10.15 EDT … The Bible has thousands of passages that may serve as the basis for instruction and inspiration. Not all of them are appropriate in all circumstances. The story of Saul and the Amalekites is a case in …

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