Category: War

Does anyone remember Guernica?

 If anyone is wondering how much damage a lame-duck administration can manage on its way to historical infamy (or at best, oblivion), here’s what our Secretary of State had to say in response to the IAF attacks on Gaza (reminiscent, to this poor student of history, of the Stuka dive-bomber attacks on civilian populations in Spain …

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So long Charley

Dear editor: Molly Ivins is long gone and Charley Reese has thrown in the towel.  All we’re left with now are the sanitized opinions of neocon apologists like Rich Lowrey, who just happens to be editor of the arch-conservative National Review.  There are still a few good writers out there but you’ll have to scour …

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Labor Day has always had a double meaning for my family. Twenty-four years ago and two weeks earlier than expected, my wife went into labor on Labor Day, and the next day Jennifer was born. It was the last time my children were ever early for anything… We just spent the Labor Day weekend visiting my daughter …

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The wolf we feed

 “So it is that democracy without honest information creates the illusion of popular consent, while enhancing the power of the state and the privileged interests protected by it.  Democracy without accountability creates the illusion of popular control, while offering ordinary Americans only cheap tickets to the balcony, too far away to see that the public stage has …

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Were you there?

 “Disturbing” is the understatement of this Happy Easter.  Here are a few excerpts that really jumped out at me as I read the article (see below):  He was naked, and the position he was in — his hands bound behind his back and raised higher than his shoulders, forcing him to bend forward with his …

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The shoah must go on…

 On Friday, Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai threatened a “shoah” on Gaza in response to qassam rocket fire directed at Ashkelon. “Shoah” is a Hebrew term for “big disaster” and is often used to describe the Holocaust. Vilnai’s comment to Israeli Army Radio (according to a CNIF bulletin): “The more Qassam fire intensifies and …

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Warning: this is obscene!

 Next month America will have been in Iraq for five years – longer than it spent in either world war. Daily military operations (not counting, for example, future care of wounded) have already cost more than 12 years in Vietnam, and twice as much as the Korean war. America is spending $16 billion a month …

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