Christians of comfort like myself

A Snake-handler’s Lethal Embrace of Religious Ecstasy

By , 06/01/2012  2:12 pm I was driving into downtown Seattle when I heard the news of Randy “Mack” Wolford’s death on National Public Radio, in a British accent no…  [more]

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Rousas John Rushdoony

The Libertarian Theocrats

By Michael J. McVicar, Fall 2007 In their struggle to understand George W. Bush, some liberal intellectuals have looked to the writings of Rousas John Rushdoony, the Armenian-American minister whose championing of a theocratic America influenced…  [more]

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Scowling, spitting ball of godless epigrams

Repent, brother Dawkins

By Charles Foster, Published May 24, 2012 Richard Dawkins is at it again in the Guardian. It’s the familiar stuff: a fluent, funny, whingeing litany of jibes about genocidal Israelites, filicidal Gods and benighted…  [more]

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Tall tales and paranoid fears

The GOP Sees Dead People — Voting

By , Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 12:35 PM ET When Americans go to the polls this November, they better have some ID. If they don’t, millions of them won’t…  [more]

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When wood is chopped, chips fly

Hymns to the Violence: The NYT’s Love Letter to Obama’s Murder Racket

By Chris Floyd, Tuesday, 29 May 2012 14:21 I must, at last, admit defeat. I simply have no words, no rhetorical ammunition, no conceptual frameworks that could…  [more]

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A religious experience

Preparing for Pentecost

Announced by Archdruid Eileen (Beaker Folk of Husborne Crawley), Saturday, 26 May 2012 It looks like we’re all set for Pentecost then. The flame-throwers will be fired into the Moot House at a height of nine…  [more]

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Exterminist rhetoric

How Christian fundamentalists plan to teach genocide to schoolchildren

By , Wednesday 30 May 2012 10.15 EDT The Bible has thousands of passages that may serve as the basis for instruction and inspiration. Not all of them…  [more]

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