It’s complicated

Faith in the Back Row

By , 02/21/2012 12:22 pm I am the son of a painter. On summer days, I have often found an excuse to sit near him as he worked. I might pretend to…  [more]

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This is the price for our freedom

My husband, Khadar Adnan, has shed a light on Israel’s disregard for human rights

By Randa Musa, Wednesday 22 February 2012 08.30 EST The name of my husband, Khadar Adnan, has now become known across the world.…  [more]

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Might as well leave them to their fate

‘In Homs we are all wading in blood’

By , Tuesday 21 February 2012 15.29 EST The corpse, already waxy, wrapped in its shroud, a crown of plastic flowers around its head, lies in a corner of…  [more]

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They didn’t break my bones

Homs, city of torture

By Jonathan Littell, Monday 20 February 2012 18.50 EST In Bashar al-Assad‘s Syria, it is not just forbidden to speak, demonstrate and protest: it is also forbidden both to give medical treatment,…  [more]

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Puffed-up, self-regarding, vain, prickly and militant

You don’t have to believe in God to cherish the Church

By Mary Ann Sieghart, Monday 20 February 2012 The Church of England couldn’t hope for a better enemy than Richard Dawkins. Puffed-up, self-regarding, vain, prickly and militant,…  [more]

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Where the Litani River runs

House of Stone

By Anthony Shadid, published February 18, 2012 The America that drew my family was 7,000 miles from where they started, in old Marjayoun, in what is now Lebanon. My aunts and uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents, were…  [more]

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Christianity after religion

The End of Church

By Diana Butler Bass, 02/18/2012  7:50 am Something startling is happening in American religion: We are witnessing the end of church or, at the very least, the end of conventional church. The United States…  [more]

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