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Feb 22 2012
This is the price for our freedom
My husband, Khadar Adnan, has shed a light on Israel’s disregard for human rights
By Randa Musa, Wednesday 22 February 2012 08.30 EST … The name of my husband, Khadar Adnan, has now become known across the world.… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Feb 21 2012
Might as well leave them to their fate
‘In Homs we are all wading in blood’
By Jonathan Littell, Tuesday 21 February 2012 15.29 EST … The corpse, already waxy, wrapped in its shroud, a crown of plastic flowers around its head, lies in a corner of… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Feb 21 2012
They didn’t break my bones
Homs, city of torture
By Jonathan Littell, Monday 20 February 2012 18.50 EST … In Bashar al-Assad‘s Syria, it is not just forbidden to speak, demonstrate and protest: it is also forbidden both to give medical treatment,… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Feb 19 2012
Puffed-up, self-regarding, vain, prickly and militant
You don’t have to believe in God to cherish the Church
By Mary Ann Sieghart, Monday 20 February 2012 … The Church of England couldn’t hope for a better enemy than Richard Dawkins. Puffed-up, self-regarding, vain, prickly and militant,… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Feb 19 2012
Where the Litani River runs
House of Stone
By Anthony Shadid, published February 18, 2012 … The America that drew my family was 7,000 miles from where they started, in old Marjayoun, in what is now Lebanon. My aunts and uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents, were… [more]Permanent link to this article:
Feb 18 2012
Christianity after religion
The End of Church
By Diana Butler Bass, 02/18/2012 7:50 am … Something startling is happening in American religion: We are witnessing the end of church or, at the very least, the end of conventional church. The United States… [more]Permanent link to this article: