Core values

This is not about ‘bad apples’. This is the horror of war

By Robert Fisk, Friday 13 January 2012 So now it’s snapshots of US Marines pissing on the Afghan dead. Better, I suppose, than the US soldiers pictured…  [more]

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Warmongers’ wet dream

What War With Iran Might Look Like

By , Thursday, 12 January 2012 16:34 Back in September 2007 I wrote an article for called “What World War III May Look Like.” The article, which…  [more]

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When a country attacks its own

Guantánamo at 10: the defeat of liberty by fear

By , Wednesday 11 January 2012 09.00 ES On 11 January 2002, the United States began showing major signs of what I call “Guantánamo syndrome”, after one of…  [more]

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Jesus doesn’t need a leg up, Justin Bieber

By , Saturday 7 January 2012 We’ve had more than 2,000 years of Christian history and, safe to say, they haven’t been entirely uneventful ones thus far. There have…  [more]

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Are you French Canadian?

President Romney Meets Other World Leaders

By , January 16, 2012 When Mitt Romney introduces himself to voters, he has a  peculiar habit of guessing their age or nationality, often incorrectly. (A  regular query: “Are you French…  [more]

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Gimme that old time religion

Blessed are the un-cool

By Rachel Held Evans, Jun 15, 2011 People sometimes assume that because I’m a progressive 30-year-old who enjoys Mumford and Sons and has no children, I must want a super-hip church—you know, the kind…  [more]

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Devoted to death

Santa Muerte: Mexico’s Devotion To the Saint of Death

By , 1/7/12 08:20 AM ET While tens of thousands of Mexicans have lost their lives in the ongoing drug war, millions more have become devoted to…  [more]

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